22–23 nov. 2022
Sorbonne Université (Campus Jussieu)
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Constraining cosmology with the summer fields of the South Pole Telescope

23 nov. 2022, 11:10
Amphi Durand (Sorbonne Université (Campus Jussieu))

Amphi Durand

Sorbonne Université (Campus Jussieu)

4 place Jussieu


Federica Guidi (IAP)


The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is observing the CMB with arcminutes resolution, with its third generation camera (SPT-3G). One of the main goals is to improve the current constraints on cosmological parameters. During the first observing season, SPT-3G observed its baseline sky patch (1500 deg2), and obtained cosmological constraints consistent with those from the Planck mission. Deeper observations of the SPT-3G baseline field are currently ongoing, as well as observations of additional 3000 deg2 that are observed during the summer season (the “summer fields"). In this talk I will present the ongoing analysis of the SPT-3G summer fields, and forecasts of the cosmological parameters relying on the SPT-3G extended survey (baseline+summer fields). The inclusion of the SPT-3G summer fields in the combined analysis of the SPT-3G baseline field and Planck data is expected to improve the constraints by 20% for the ΛCDM model, and by up to 50% for ΛCDM extensions.

Auteur principal

Federica Guidi (IAP)

Documents de présentation