22–23 nov. 2022
Sorbonne Université (Campus Jussieu)
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

SZ science with next generation CMB maps

22 nov. 2022, 14:50
Amphi Durand (Sorbonne Université (Campus Jussieu))

Amphi Durand

Sorbonne Université (Campus Jussieu)

4 place Jussieu


M. Boris Bolliet (Cambridge University, DAMTP)


With high resolution and low noise multifrequency CMB maps, combined with upcoming data from galaxy surveys, observables based on the Sunyaev Zeldovich (SZ) effect constitute a promising avenue for constraining cosmological models and reshaping our understanding of galaxy formation. In this talk we will review what the thermal and kinetic SZ effects are, why they are going to become a cornerstone of precision cosmology, and how we may use them to maximize the science output of next generation surveys.

Auteur principal

M. Boris Bolliet (Cambridge University, DAMTP)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.