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Fundamental interactions and symmetries
- Etienne Liénard (LPC Caen)
The use of exotic states of matter allows us to probe the underlying symmetries of the universe to ever greater precision and expose shortcomings of the Standard Model of particle physics (SM), arguably the most successful physical theory created to date. Radioactive ion beams (RIB), in particular, significantly expand the number of available experimental systems to address the SM's lack of...
Precision measurements in beta decay play an essential role in the search for new physics beyond the standard model (SM), by probing “exotic” phenomena such as scalar and tensor interactions. The existence of such interactions induces deviations on certain observables away from their SM predictions. The study of the full beta energy spectrum offers a sensitive property to probe these...
Around us we see an universe filled with galaxies, stars and planets like ours. But when we look back to the Big Bang and the processes that created the matter in it, at first we observe that there should have been created the same amount of matter and antimatter, thus the universe would be empty or different than it is. Sakharov proposed several mechanisms to explain the matter-antimatter...
The neutron lifetime discrepancy between beam and bottle experiments of 4σ could be interpreted as a possible sign of the neutron decaying into dark particles [1]. If such a decay exists, it could also occur in unstable nuclei with sufficiently low neutron binding energy, a quasi-free neutron decay into a dark matter particle χ; as is the case of 6He with S2n = 975.45keV < mn −mχ [2]. This...