28–30 nov. 2022
Laboratoire de physique nucléaire et des hautes énergies (LPNHE)
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

DP0 tutorial on survey property maps and systematics corrections

30 nov. 2022, 09:40
Amphithéâtre Charpak (Laboratoire de physique nucléaire et des hautes énergies (LPNHE))

Amphithéâtre Charpak

Laboratoire de physique nucléaire et des hautes énergies (LPNHE)

4 Place Jussieu, Tour 22, 1er étage, 75005 Paris


Martin Rodriguez Monroy (IJCLab)


In this presentation we will see some examples of survey property maps, maps that track spatial variations concerning the imaging of the survey. We will use healsparse to visualize and manipulate them. In addition to this, we will discuss how to evaluate the impact that different observing conditions can have on data. In particular, we will see some examples of 1D relations, which are the basis of some systematic decontamination methods such as those performed for the DES-Y3 galaxy clustering analysis

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