Up to now, the Belle II experiment has collected about the same amount of data as BaBar and the plan is to collect 50 times more. New physics can affect the phase of the amplitudes and consequently the measured CP violation parameters. There are two main complementary approaches: overconstraining the SM parameters in the precision measurements of the high-statistics tree-level B decays or...
I will discuss theoretical aspects of and recent developments in double beta decay. Focussing on the neutrinoless mode, I will review its role in our understanding of neutrinos and models of lepton number violation as the origin of light neutrino masses. I will attempt to elucidate connections with models of baryogenesis, specifically leptogenesis and I will describe the impact of an...
Neutrinoless double-beta decay is a hypothetic nuclear process which, in case of its observation, would provide important information about the nature of neutrino and will demonstrate the lepton number violation. Scintillation bolometers are one of the most promising technology for 0v2b decay search: low-temperature particle detector in joint with a cryogenic light detector. BINGO (Bi-Isotope...
The European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, currently under construction, is designed to be the most powerful neutron source in the world. Taking advantage of the unique potential of the ESS, the NNBAR collaboration has proposed an experimental program to search for baryon number violation (BNV) due to neutron (n) – antineutron ( ̄n) conversions. This process could explain the observed...
The Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) is a framework that incorporates in a fairly model-independent way possible deviations from the Standard Model (SM). The additional terms it contains, in the form of higher-dimensional operator, may be include new sources of CP violation that could spoil the delicate CKM mechanism characterizing the SM. We argue that the best way to capture...
Two-brane universes are among the cosmological models of interest such as ekpyrotic models. It is then a major concern to constrain these scenarios. In the last two decades, it has been theoretically demonstrated that matter exchange between branes can occur and can be a way to test these scenarios. Thus, neutron disappearance (reappearance) toward (from) a hidden brane has been recently...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment based at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA. Utilizing two functionally-identical liquid scintillator tracking calorimeters placed 810 km apart, NOvA observes the appearance of electron (anti)neutrinos and the disappearance of muon (anti)neutrinos in the muon (anti)neutrino-dominated NuMI beam. By observing these...
Sterile Neutrinos are an attractive explanation for the masses of Standard Model neutrinos. They may also explain the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in our Universe. We will discuss a scenario in which these sterile Neutrinos acquire a time-dependent (Majorana) mass during a first-order phase-transition. This out-of-equilibrium process may lead to matter-antimatter asymmetry in the...
Motivated by the crucial role played by the discrete flavour symmetry groups in explaining the observed neutrino oscillation data, we consider the application $A_4$ modular symmetry in the linear seesaw framework. The basic idea behind using the modular symmetry is to minimize the necessity of the inclusion of extra flavon fields having specific vacuum expectation value (VEV) alignments. The...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a flagship-international project in particle physics and one of the most ambitious neutrino beam experiments ever conceived, hosted by the United States DOE national laboratory, Fermilab. DUNE will play an essential role in studies of neutrino mass ordering, CP violation, and precise measurements of neutrino mixing parameters, as well as in...
ESSnuSB is an upcoming accelerator based experiment in Sweden to study neutrino oscillation. The main aim of this experiment is to measure the leptonic CP phase $\delta_{\rm CP}$ by probing the second oscillation maximum. This experiment is also capable to test the viability of different lepton flavour models based on their prediction of the CP phase. In this presentation, I will discuss the...
Our pursuit of novel physics may be advanced significantly by neutrinos. Neutrino oscillations have so far provided the only particle physics evidence for new physics beyond the standard model (BSM), making it an ideal area to investigate new physics scenarios. Recently, there have been a lot of interests in situations such as Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions (NSI) with matter and the...