Second meeting of the Enigmass2 ISC




Questions from the Enigmass management board to the International scientific council: 

  • Is there any feedback that the ISC would like to give the management team regarding recent actions?
  • What is the ISC assessment of the preliminary proposal for a future extension, in terms of science and organization? Is there any advice or recommendation that the ISC would like to give the management team in order to maximize chances of success?
  • Is there any other advice or recommendation that the ISC would like to give the management team?


ID de réunion : 650 7875 9172
Code secret : 669132
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Code secret : 669132
ID de réunion : 650 7875 9172

    • 16:00 16:40
      Session 1: Enigmass status
    • 16:45 17:25
      Session 2: Preparing the future
    • 17:30 18:00
      Closed session