2022-06-30 Tint Discussions
- Muchen He
- Yuzhi Che
- Fanjie Meng (mfj)
- Manqi
- Lagarde Francois
- Vincent Boudry
- Gérald Grenier
- Fabricio Jimenez
- Contributed White Paper at Snowmass
- A few paragraphs on the potential of timing in HG calorimeters
- Available at https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.07286.pdf
- Q? Deadline for Snowmass white/contributed papers ?
- https://snowmass21.org/submissions/start
- Formal = March 15, 2022
- Informal: ➞ CSS meeting in July
Cluster time measurement with CEPC calorimeter
- Some unexpected behaviours at 0.3ps
- Looking at subhits from 10 GeV γ, μ, π
- no B field, θ= 84°, φ = 0
- t_hit from
- Most energetic subhits
- hit pos = center of cell
- shifted time T = t_hit - L_IP➞hit /c
- Crenel structure with 0.6 ps (=200μm/c) pitch
- some t_hit<0
- Due to ∆ hit position (center-of-cell vs subhit)
- Confirmation:
- Not seen at θ=90°
- "best" definition of hit time and position ?
- 3 defs
- 1 t from most energetic subhit + center-of-cell
- 2 t from most energetic subhit + (start+end)/2 of this subhit
- 3 t from fastest subhit + (start+end)/2 of this subhit
- x,y,z for each def × γ,μ, π
- "long" tails >10 ps for all , μ's
- Discussions
- Must find a proper weighting (~ shaping in digitization)
- Charge collection / current start is probably limiting also the effects
- Needs proper modelling (GARFIELD, ...)
- Effect of cell size >> ∆t/c
Timing in Jets
- M1 intership student looking at time distribution in jets
- 1st version of report today ➞ next time
- Code of MARLIN extractin available on the indico, valid for all calos
- Discussion
- Availbility of data in "standard" ILD production ?
- Not for all, but a subsample.
- Contributions to ECFA WS
- Cluster Time should be one (paper near complete)
- On the effect in the cells ?
- ps timing...
- Yuzhi, Henri ?
- On the potential of timing (all together) in HG Calos ?
- Beam tests
- end of september
- Participation to ECFA WS unlikely (Gérald)
- Maybe some 1 MGRPC in the setup
- Next meeting ➞ end of summer
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