The Standard Model of particle physics states that the three charged leptons $e$, $\mu$ and $\tau$ have the same electroweak coupling (through $W^{\pm}$ and $Z^0$ bosons) and the only difference between them is their coupling to the Higgs field, i.e. their mass. Couple of independent experiments (BaBar, Belle and LHCb) have measured deviations from the SM prediction.
One of the anomalies arises from the $b\to c \ell \nu$ transition called charged anomalies, the goal of my thesis is to study such anomalies by comparing the decays $B^0 \to D^{*} \tau \nu_\tau $ to $B^0 \to D^{*} \mu \nu_\mu $ where $\tau$ is reconstructed from $\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+(\pi^0)$, using data collected by the LHCb detector from 2011 to 2018. With larger statistical data, we will be able to significantly reduce the uncertainty of the measurement.