Soutenances thèses et HDR

Propriétés physico-chimiques et comportement différé des matériaux cimentaires sous irradiation gamma

par Maxime Robira (Radiochimie)


Mots clés : mortier, irradiation, propriétés mécaniques, gamma, C-S-H, CIGEO

Résumé : Le projet du Centre Industriel de stockage Géologique ou CIEGO porté par l’Andra (Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs permettra de stocker les déchets de moyenne activité à vie longue et haute activité à 500 mètres de profondeur dans
des galeries en bétons construites dans une couche d’argilite. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’étudier les effets des rayonnements gamma de faible débit de dose sur le comportement physico-chimique et hydrothermo- mécanique du béton. Des expériences à différentes échelles ont donc été réalisées au cours de cette thèse. Des mortiers et des pâtes de ciment ont été irradiés dans un irradiateur gamma (E = 0,667 MeV, LET = 0,23 keV.μm-1) sur le site du cyclotron Arronax (Saint-Herblain, France). La variation des résistances en flexion et en compression a été déterminée pour différents types de matériaux (mortier humide, sec et carbonaté et pâte cimentaire sèche et carbonatée) montrant une importante diminution des propriétés mécaniques. Ces variations on été expliquées par des études
physico-chimiques de sillicates de calcium hydratés (C-S-H), phase prédominante du béton, montrant une modification sous rayonnement gamma. Les résultats microscopiques et macroscopiques ont ainsi été comparés afin de comprendre l’évolution d’un matéraiu cimentaire sous rayonnement gamma de faible débit de dose.

Keywords : mortar, irradiation, mechanical properties, gamma, C-S-H, CIGEO

Abstract : The project of Centre industrile The project of Centre Industriel de stockage Géologique or CIGEO supported by Andra (French Agency for Radioactive Waste Management) will allow storing intermediatelevel and high-level wastes 500 meters deep in concrete galleries built in an impermeable argillaceous rock. The main objective of this study is to understand the effects of lower dose rate external gamma irradiations on the physical-chemical and hydro-thermo-mechanical behavior of concrete which could be used in the CIGEO structures and elements. A multiscale and multi-physics experimental protocol has been established during this PhD work. Mortar and cement paste specimens have been irradiated in a gamma irradiator (E = 0.667 MeV, LET = 0.23 keV.μm-1) and subsequently subjected to bending and compressive mechanical stress tests. These irradiations have been performed at the ARRONAX cyclotron facility (Saint-Herblain, France). The variations of compressive and bending strength after irradiation have been measured for different materials (humid, dried and carbonated mortar and cement pastes) showing a high decrease of mechanicals properties. Mechanical variations have been explained by the study of physical-chemical evolution of calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H), the major phase composing the concrete which
can be modified under gamma radiation. Microscopic and macroscopic results were successfully compared to explain the evolution of the cementitious materials under low dose rate of gamma radiation.

Mots-clés : Solubilité – Oxyde de zirconium – Réactivité de surface

Zirconium dioxide is a promising ceramic for the specific immobilization of actinides in a geological disposal vault. An appropriate knowledge of the solubility controlling solid phases confining radioactive waste is necessary if one wants to assess the stability of ZrO2 in a disposal environmental conditions. The solubility of zirconium oxide is very low at neutral pH (<10-8M), but increases at highly acidic and alkaline pH. Solubility values may differ by more than 6 orders of magnitude at a given pH, indicating high uncertainties. The objective of this work is to understand processes governing the equilibrium between zirconium oxide and water, and to study the surface reactivity of the material in contact with aqueous solutions. The solubility of monoclinic and of cubic ZrO2 in aqueous solutions were investigated, approaching equilibrium from under-saturated conditions. The low solubility of zirconia makes its measurement a challenging task. A reliable experimental procedure was developed to measure low concentrations of zirconium (limit of quantitation [Zr] ~10-11M). In order to examine the surface reactivity, solid phases were further characterized by BET, XRD, SAXS, HR-TEM and STEM-HAADF before and after reaching equilibrium. In order to understand the reaction mechanism taking place at the zirconia/water interface as well as the low solubility in aqueous phase, hydrolysis of Zr-O-Zr bonds by a single and multiple water molecule were studied using the periodic DFT code, with Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP). This study led to the proposal of a dissolution mechanism whose limiting step, in the neutral pH range, is the difficulty of formation of an activated complex.

Keywords : Solubility – Zirconium oxide – Surface reactivity