Schwarzschild-like Smooth Geometries in Supergravity

20 juin 2022, 10:50
2ème étage, Amphi 1 (IJCLab, Orsay)

2ème étage, Amphi 1

IJCLab, Orsay

Bâtiment 210, 2ème étage 91405 Orsay Cedex France


A new approach to solve Einstein equations in higher dimensions will be discussed. It consists in decomposing the equations into several sectors with known integrable structure. I will construct large classes of non-supersymmetric smooth solutions that are asymptotic to four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime with additional compact circles. They are induced by bubbles of spacetime supported by electromagnetic flux and look like Reissner-Nordström black holes but are smooth and horizonless. I will pay particular attention to the neutral solutions and compare their geometries to Schwarzschild black holes. I will also briefly discuss the stability of the solutions.

Auteur principal

Dr Pierre Heidmann (Johns Hopkins University)


Prof. Ibrahima Bah (Johns Hopkins University) M. Peter Weck (Johns Hopkins University)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.