Biophysical models are of interest to estimate the biological dose in radiation therapy. The main output of these models are the alpha and beta coefficients describing cell survival as a function of dose. Such information may be used for instance to optimize beam parameters in hadrontherapy when integrated into treatment planning systems. However, novel radiation therapy modalities such as...
Auteurs: Pierre Beaudier1, Laurent Plawinski1, Guillaume Devès1, Philippe Barberet1, Denis Dupuy2, Hervé Seznec 1
1Laboratoire de Physique des 2 infinis Bordeaux (LP2iB), Université de Bordeaux.
2Laboratoire ARNA (Acides nucléiques : Régulations naturelles et artificielles), INSERM
L’objectif des études de dommages liés aux rayonnements ionisants (RI) a...
In this work the formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is measured after irradiation of ultrapure water with the ARRONAX proton beam under Ultra-High-Dose-Rate (UHDR) conditions and compared to conventional mode. A FLASH Effect was observed under Air in UHDR conditions attributed to the reaction of aqueous electrons e-aq with the precursors of H2O2 formation. In order to investigate this...
The goal of the FLASHMOD project is to develop an end-to-end environment for a proton beam in VHDR conditions at ARRONAX facility.
In this work we present our Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo simulation results.
A beta version of Geant4-DNA (under development) has been tested to model water radiolysis species at different dose rates with and without scavengers (N2O and Argon).
Obtained G-values for...
Auteurs: Eloïse Salles², Yasmine Ali1, Caterina Monini1, Etienne Russeil², Jean Michel Létang3, Etienne Testa1, Lydia Maigne² et Michel Beuve3
1 Université de Lyon 1, CNRS/IN2P3, Institut de Physique des deux Infinis de Lyon, 4 avenue Enrico Fermi 69100 Villeurbanne cedex France
² Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS/IN2P3, Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont, 4 avenue Blaise Pascal 63178...
Auteurs: T. Tabanou1, C. Massard1, J-L. Piro 2, M. Lefebvre1, G. Rivrais1, P. Vernet1 et I. Balandier1
1Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, LPC, F-63000 Clermont–Ferrand, France
2Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, IRD, LMV, F-63000 Clermont–Ferrand, France
(Résumé entier à venir)
"Development of Enriched Gadolinium Target for Cross Section Measurement and Future Production of Terbium "
Short-lived radioisotopes of the terbium family show great prospects in theranostics nuclear medicine, especially 155Tb which can be used for single-photon emission tomography (SPECT) and for Auger therapy. Nevertheless, 155Tb is mainly produced by spallation nuclear reactions;...