WP5 Monthly Meeting


Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

You are invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*

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+31202410288,,97308347310# Netherlands
+31207940854,,97308347310# Netherlands

    • 11:00 11:03
      Roll call 3m
      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 11:03 11:05
      Minutes of the last meeting 2m

      Minutes of thelast meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
      Overview of meetings: https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/906/

      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 11:05 11:25
      Announcements, news and general updates 20m

      Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
      Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.

      • NWO-I / ASTRON 1m
      • CERN 1m
      • CNRS-LAPP 1m
      • CSIC 1m
      • CTAO 1m

        Continued work on Batch integration following excalidraw outline.
        Demo'd work done in branch 125_batch_workflow at Tech meeting.

        Next steps to work with Dave on linking to the metadata. issue135
        Follow up on meeting with Klaas and Hugh on linking with Async. issues 145-147

      • NWO-I / CWI 1m
      • EGO 1m
      • ESO 1m
      • FAIR 1m
      • FAU 1m
      • IFAE 1m
      • INAF 1m
      • JIVE 1m
      • KIS 1m
      • NWO-I / Nikhef 1m
      • RUG 1m
      • SKAO 1m
      • UCM 1m
      • UEDIN 1m
    • 11:25 11:30
      Emergent issues 5m
    • 11:30 11:35
      Upcoming meetings 5m