We consider an effective field theory framework with three Standard Model (SM) gauge singlet right-handed neutrinos and an additional SM gauge singlet scalar field. The framework generates eV masses of light neutrinos via the seesaw mechanism and accommodates a feebly interacting massive particle (FIMP) as a dark matter candidate.
Two of the gauge singlet neutrinos participate in neutrino mass generation, while the third gauge singlet neutrino is a FIMP dark matter. We explore the correlation between the vev (vacuum expectation value) of the gauge singlet scalar field which translates as the mass of the BSM Higgs, and the mass of dark matter, which arises due to the relic density constraint. We perform a collider analysis to explore the discovery prospect of the TeV scale, BSM Higgs, through its difatjet signature, at a future pp collider, FCC-hh.