Isomeric yield ratios are among the observables to study angular momenta of fission fragments. The most common way to obtain such ratios relies on gamma spectroscopy. Recently, direct mass measurement methods have achieved mass resolving power that makes them relevant for isomeric yield ratio studies. This talk will give an overview of the used experimental techniques, and summarize the status...
Usually, fission product angular momentum is studied through prompt γ emission. A complementary technique is to use the isomeric ratio. This observable is of interest because it preserves the initial angular momentum information resulting from the fission process just after the prompt particle emission.
The coupling of the LOHENGRIN recoil spectrometer (located at the Institut Laue- Langevin,...
An observable that is strongly coupled to a fission fragment's angular momentum is its isomeric yield ratio (IYR), defined by the amount of fragment decays that passes though a metastable state. Though this observable is limited to fragments with such isomeric states, the IYR is known to be sensitive to small changes in the fragment's angular momentum distribution. Isomeric yield ratios have...