Black-Hole Microstructure IV: 26th Rencontres Itzykson

Amphi Bloch (IPhT, CEA Saclay)

Amphi Bloch

IPhT, CEA Saclay

IPhT, CEA Saclay

Conference:  June 6 - 10   

 Workshop:  June 13 - 17   

Zoom Meeting ID: 983 6233 1712   Passcode: 12345

Youtube links:
















D. Lüst:







The microscopic description of black holes has been a challenge for more that forty years.  There are now quite a number of promising approaches to solving this problem and the primary goal of this conference and workshop is to bring together experts in these areas to identify synergies, engage in constructive criticism and resolve apparent conflicts.  A significant focus will be the dynamics of black-hole microstructure: how infalling matter is scrambled and how information is recovered.

The conference will have four talks a day.  Monday, June 6 is a holiday in France and so the talks will be held on Zoom. 

The talks on Tuesday - Friday will be "in-person" at the IPhT, Saclay and they will be broadcast via Zoom.

There will be a panel discussion on Wednesday, and other discussions during the workshop.

The workshop will be smaller, less intense  and focus on particular and more technical issues associated with black-hole microstructure.

Organizers: Iosif Bena, Andrea Puhm and Nick Warner

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  • Abhiram Kidambi
  • Adam Pound
  • Aditya Singh
  • Alexander Tyukov
  • Ali Akil
  • Amr Ahmadain
  • Andrea Dei
  • Andrea Pierfrancesco Sanna
  • Andrea Puhm
  • Andrei Parnachev
  • anik rudra
  • Anthony Houppe
  • Antoine Bourget
  • Antoine Bourget
  • Aradhita Chattopadhyaya
  • Arjun Bagchi
  • ARJUN K Ramachandran
  • Ben Craps
  • Bin Guo
  • Bingxin LAO
  • Bogdan Ganchev
  • Constantin Bachas
  • Daniel Mayerson
  • David Turton
  • Davide Bufalini
  • Deepan Betal
  • Denis Bitnaya
  • Dieter Luest
  • Dieter Lüst
  • Dimitrios Katsinis
  • Dimitrios Toulikas
  • Elias Vagenas
  • Emil Martinec
  • Etienne Ligout
  • fabian caro
  • Farzad Omidi
  • Fien Apers
  • François David
  • Gabriel Wong
  • Gabriele Di Ubaldo
  • Giulio Sanzeni
  • Gopal Yadav
  • guillaume bossard
  • Haoyu Sun
  • Hasna Jabour
  • Himanshu Raj
  • Ibrahima Bah
  • Inge Helland
  • Iosif Bena
  • Jan Troost
  • Jaydeep Kumar Basak
  • Jeevan Chandra Namburi
  • Ji Hoon Lee
  • Jiabao Yang
  • Juan Maldacena
  • Junggi Yoon
  • Kiran Adhikari
  • Korumilli Sravan Kumar
  • Krishan Saraswat
  • Kwinten Fransen
  • Leong Khim Wong
  • Luis Fernando Temoche
  • Marcel Hughes
  • Mariana Grana
  • Marija Tomasevic
  • Marika Taylor
  • Martin Vincze
  • Masaki Shigemori
  • Massimo Bianchi
  • Matthew Heydeman
  • Mehmet Ozkan
  • Miguel Fernandes Paulos
  • Muhammad Fitrah Alfian Rangga Sakti
  • Mykhaylo Usatyuk
  • Nadie LiTenn
  • Nava Gaddam
  • Nejc Ceplak
  • Nicholas Warner
  • Nicolas Kovensky
  • Panos Betzios
  • Paolo Pani
  • Pavan Dharanipragada
  • Peng Cheng
  • Peter Weck
  • Pierre Heidmann
  • Pingyuan Gu
  • poula tadros
  • Pratik Roy
  • Priyadarshi Paul
  • Raffaele Tito D'Agnolo
  • Ragil NDONGMO
  • Ramy Brustein
  • Raúl Arias
  • Rodolfo Russo
  • Ruben Minasian
  • Sabya Sachi Chatterjee
  • Sagar Kumar Maity
  • Sam Gralla
  • Sami Rawash
  • Samir Iraoui
  • Sandipan Bhattacherjee
  • Sangmin Choi
  • Sergio Hortner
  • Shabeeb Alalawi
  • Shaun Hampton
  • Silvia Georgescu
  • Soham Ray
  • Som Phene
  • Som Phene
  • Soumangsu Chakraborty
  • Souvik Banerjee
  • Stam NICOLIS
  • Stefano Massai
  • Tenma Hanyuda
  • Tsunehide Kuroki
  • Vaios Ziogas
  • Vasil Dimitrov
  • Vatche Sahakian
  • Veronica Collazuol
  • Veronica Pasquarella
  • Vinay Malvimat
  • Vincent Pasquier
  • Vitor Cardoso
  • Wayne Weng
  • Wei-Hsiang Shao
  • Yen Chin Ong
  • Yi Zhang
  • Yiming Chen
  • Yixuan Li
  • Yorgo PANO
  • Yotam Sherf
  • Yun-Long Zhang
  • Zhencheng Wang
    • 09:50
      Welcome Zoom


    • 1
      Fuzzballs and Horizon-scale Microstructure: From Theory to Observations Zoom


      Orateur: Daniel Mayerson
    • 11:00
    • 2
      Black holes? Zoom



      Abstract: One of the most remarkable possibilities of General Relativity concerns gravitational collapse to black holes, leaving behind a geometry with light rings, ergoregions and horizons. These peculiarities are responsible for uniqueness properties and energy extraction mechanisms that turn black holes into ideal laboratories of strong gravity, of particle physics (yes!) and of possible quantum-gravity effects.
      I will discuss some of the latest progress in testing the black-hole nature of compact objects.

      Orateur: Vitor Cardoso
    • 12:30
    • 3
      Horizonless black hole mimickers from bubbles of AdS Zoom


      Orateur: Ulf Danielson
    • 15:30
      Coffee TBA


    • 4
      Black hole imaging: theory and observations Zoom


      Orateur: Sam Gralla
    • 5
      BH and Fuzzball PerturbationTheory using Quantum Seiberg-Witten Curves Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Massimo Bianchi
    • 11:00
      Coffee Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 6
      What is the fate of Hawking evaporation in gravity theories with higher curvature terms? Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Paolo Pani
    • 12:30
      Lunch Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 7
      New non-BPS Topological Solitons in Supergravity Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Pierre Heidmann
    • 15:30
      Coffee Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 8
      Bootstrapping the effect of the twist operator in symmetric orbifold CFTs Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Shaun Hampton
    • 17:30
      Wine and Cheese Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 9
      Bounds on quantum evolution complexity via lattice cryptography Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Ben Craps
    • 11:00
      Coffee Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 10
      Singular Limit of Smooth Microstate Geometries Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Nejc Ceplak
    • 12:30
      Lunch Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 11
      The Horowitz-Polchinski solution and string microstates Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Yiming Chen
    • 15:00
      Coffee Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 12
      Black hole entropy sourced by string winding condensate: outside and inside views Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Ram Brustein
    • 16:30
      Break Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 13
      Panel and Discussion: Observable Microstructure? Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateurs: Ben Craps, Daniel Mayerson (KU Leuven), Iosif Bena, Massimo Bianchi, Paolo Pani, Ramy Brustein
    • 14
      Shockwaves in Black Hole Microstate Geometries Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: David Turton
    • 11:00
      Coffee Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 15
      Heavy-Light correlators at the end of the world(sheet) Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Nicolas Kovensky
    • 12:30
      Lunch Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 16
      Black Holes and the Swampland Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Dieter Lüst
    • 15:30
      Coffee Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 17
      Near BPS Black Hole Microstates from Supergravity Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Matthew Heydeman
    • 17:30
      Depart for Conference Dinner Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 18
      Deep Microstrata Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Bogdan Ganchev
    • 11:00
      Coffee Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 19
      Black tsunamis and naked singularities in AdS/CFT Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Marija Tomasevic
    • 12:30
      Lunch Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 20
      String correlators on AdS_3 Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Andrea Dei
    • 15:30
      Coffee Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 21
      Symmetric Products, Strings, & AdS3/CFT2 Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Emil Martinec
    • 09:55
      Theme: Non-BPS structure Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 22
      Non-BPS Microstate Geometries Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Ibou Bah
    • 11:00
      Break Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 23
      Microstrata Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Anthony Houppe
    • 24
      Three-point functions in supertubes and JMaRT Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateurs: David Turton, Davide Bufalini, Nico Kovensky, Sergio Iguri
    • 11:00
      Break Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 25
      Microstructure and N=4 Yang Mills Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateurs: Matthew Heydemann, Yiming Chen
    • 26
      Are there echoes of gravitational waves? Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Bin Guo
    • 11:00
      Break Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 27
      Superstrata with vector fields Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 28
      Why are people trying to solve a problem that has already been solved? Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateur: Samir Mathur
    • 09:55
      Theme: More technical issues Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 29
      Eikonal Methods Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateurs: Marcel Hughes, Rodolfo Russo
    • 11:00
      Break Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 30
      To be determined. (Pure NS superstrata?) Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 09:55
      Theme: The way forward ... Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
    • 31
      Discussion: Open problems and Critical Issues Amphi Bloch

      Amphi Bloch

      IPhT, CEA Saclay

      IPhT, CEA Saclay
      Orateurs: Emil Martinec, Iosif Bena, Nicholas Warner (IPhT, Universite Paris Saclay, CEA)