Focus group 1 call - Software collection


Zoom Meeting Room

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Alba Vendrell, Christian Tacke, Elena Gazzarrini, Enrique Garcia, Gareth Hughes, Jutta Schnabel, Kay Graf, Mark Kettenis, Tamas Gal


Introduction to the VRE


  • What should be onboarded:
    • Service software FTS and Rucio
    • Scientific software
      • containers or software only -> the gitlab project
  • Streamline the onboard procedure
    • after finalisation of the VRE onboarding
  • Create environment for researchers
  • Add an example data sets - so not the full ESCAPE environment is necessary
  • Support to VRE from OSSR?
    • is there a surplus from using OSSR for the VRE -> not now, but foreseen (full link between ESCAPE services).
      • using the OSSR Jupyter plugin




Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 11:00 11:20
      Introduction to the VRE 20m
      Orateur: Enrique Garcia Garcia (LAPP, CNRS)

      Current VRE onboarding steps:

      VRE infrastructure details:

    • 11:20 12:00
      Discussion on VRE & OSSR connection 40m

      & AOB