WP2 fortnightly meeting

Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
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      News and last phase of the project
      Orateurs: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
      • Deliverable and Milestones

        • D2.3 M40 (May) “Final assessment and analysis of the full prototypes, outlook for further development and deployment towards full production services within EOSC” 

        • MS11 delivered “Extension of the data lake to efficiently serve data to external compute resources providers” ticked on the EU portal together with a summary report.

        • MS12 M32 ”ISO 16363 certification process underway in core data centres” This milestone has been already postponed, possibility to dismiss it due to lack of interest and time? (IMO does not compromise the project)

        • MS13 M38 (March) “3rd WP2 workshop to review performance of the full prototypes, and to explore future directions, prepare D2.3.”

          • perhaps one of the last opportunities to gather the WP2 community together, but given the current covid situation and travel restrictions…

      • EC reviews 

        • Project 'brief’ to support the EC programme and policy activities was delivered on time (10/12) and well received by the Project Officer.

        • Document addressing the 2nd Reporting Period (M18-M36) being finalised, to be submitted by the end of the month.

        • Preparations for the 2nd Project Review with the EC ongoing, agenda being fixed for the 2nd of March.

      • 2022 activities and focus

        • Interested in a DAC21 “replay” window? To address things that were partially accomplished during November. If there is quorum, perhaps good to define a week in February? 

        • Experiments, Sites and Task leads please share your vision and ideas for the next year with Rosie and myself. We will structure the feedback for discussion at the next WP2 meeting.

      • ESCAPE general project scenario for the next year and beyond:

        • 6 months funded (until end of  June)

        • Then 6 months unfunded (until end of December)

        • Afterwards ESCAPE will continue as a collaboration

        • IMO Jul-Dec period could be a good opportunity to:

          • Align with related EC projects: EOSC-Future, CS3MESH4EOSC, the recently approved InterTwin

          • Sustainability: consolidate experiment Rucio (+FTS) infrastructures and explore further possibilities

          • Opinions?

      • Other activities

        • Interest from KM3NeT experiment (neutrinos) to adopt Data Lake and its Data Management tools after the DAC experience (currently in data taking).

        • Intensifying activities and discussions for collaborations between ESCAPE DIOS infrastructure and CS3MESH4EOSC/ScienceMesh 

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