WP2 fortnightly meeting

Paul Millar (DESY), Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
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      Orateurs: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
      • My apologies as I might not be present today. I need to be present in a management meeting at CERN that run until noon. 
      • Thanks to Rosie, Paul, Yan, Riccardo for chairing this meeting.


      • Nevertheless you will not get completely rid from me :) some messages from my side:
        • First of all thanks to everyone involved in the DAC21 exercise.
        • The DAC21 related activities and technical information is being collected in a shared document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qWBLLL7h5MxuCiwNZvCOGioC1ZnshjW-iit2xOO0ZbM
        • There is already substantial information and hinting some of the successes and things that need follow-up. Thanks all for the efforts being put there.
        • Please keep on evolving and completing the document as a summary of the DAC21 activities: what went OK, what went not so well, things to improve, ideas for new exercises, etc. 
        • Keep in mind we have margin to repeat or perform new activities in the next weeks. The DAC 21 week provided a framework but no reason to stop further activities.
          • I think will be good to redo/repeat non-successful (or half successful) workflows after having identified the issues and fixed them. This adds value to the exercise and enhance the team spirit.
            • Feel encouraged to continue the activities (and report accordingly in the notebook).
            • All of these activities will be the basis for the next (intense) reports and presentation of the activities in the European Commission and other fora. 
      • 3rd Workshop: Thoughts and ideas on how, where and which kind of event we want to organise as the 3rd WP2 workshop. This is perhaps one of the last opportunities to gather the WP2 community together in  March. Given the current covid situation I do not know what to think anymore... please send your thoughts, ideas, suggestions to Rosie and myself.
      • Meeting today is devoted for planning of next Reports, Reviews, Workshops and deliverables. 
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      Reporting Period and Project Review preparations
      • 2nd Project Periodic Report (PPR), to be submitted by end of January 2022
        • This document details how ESCAPE Project have been running since last Reporting Period M18 July 2020.
          • From Project office: "On the Technical Part, we are asking each Work Package to write a paragraph on their updates, with details task by task."
        • Internal ESCAPE first draft deadline: 14 December (minor updates tolerated until 14 Jan)
      • 2nd Project Review (PR) will take place the 2nd March 2022
        • Financial reports to be submitted by 18 February to the EC portal (note that PR2 ends 31 January 2022) 
      • 3rd WP2 Workshop (M38):
        • From the GA: "To review performance of the Prototype Data lake and to explore future directions. Deliverable D2.3 preparations"
      • Deliverable 2.3 (M40):
        • From the GA: "Final assessment and analysis of the full prototype, outlook for further developments and deployments towards production services within EOSC"


      • Aim of the discussion:
        • Targeting a skeleton for the PRP by 14 of Dec. Asking you to provide high-level description of the main activities and achievements from (bullet points ok):
          1. Task and Activity reports - Riccardo, Paul, Rosie, Yan and Andrea in charge (email sent)
          2. Partner sites reports providing core services: Storage, Monitoring, Integrations w/compute (HOC, Commercial, DLaaS,...), Data Lake services: IAM, RUCIO, FTS, caching and content delivery, etc. (email sent)
          3. For discussion: what about a short experiments paragraphs in this Reporting Period? I am targeting experiments to be the main subject of the Project Review (2nd March) and the WP2 deliverable (M40) but would be nice to have a paragraph with a high level description of teh activities (around half a page?) What experiments representatives think? If agreed I'll send an email, deadline for input is in about 10 days.
          4. Synergies and joint activities with EVO, ESAP and OSSR (Xavi)
          5. Synergies with EC projects and activities: EOSC-Future, PANOSC, FENIX, CS3MESH4EOSC (Xavi)
        • Start preparations for the Project Review - DAC21 activities should be reported "in premiere" in this forum IMO. Thoughts?
        • Preparations for the 3rd Workshop, see my comments on the organisation in the introduction section, but besides the logistics of the meeting this 3rd workshop could be a jamboree mixing the DAC 21 experiences and a look into the future: ESCAPE knowledge, experience, tools sustainability, ESCAPE collaboration agreement, fellow projects (EOSC-Future, etc.) Thoughts?
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