WP2 fortnightly meeting

Xavier Espinal (CERN)
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      Orateurs: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
      • From the ESCAPE executive board: 
        • EC recently asked for a "Project Brief" (by 10 Dec 2021). Input meant to contribute further developing and establishing the EOSC ecosystem and to help defining the long term multianual roadmap.

        • 2nd Periodic Report, to be submitted by end of January 2022 

        • EC Project Review has been advanced by a month, will take place the 2nd March 2022

          • Financial reports to be submitted by 18 February to the EC portal (note that PR2 ends 31 January 2022)

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      DAC21 Preparations
      • Status update of RUCIO instances
      • Experiment's tour-de-table
      • Sites' tour-de-table
      • DAC21 Notebook usage for next week
      • DAC21 Kickstart@DevOps Meeting Monday morning
      Orateur: all

      LOFAR: Main thing is to get the LOFAR software to run well in the DLaaS. The third use case (external RSE) may be one of those things that we do not fix to next week immediately. Also like Mieke I need to run off for a next call…

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