LabEx UnivEarthS: Scientific Committee 2021


The LabEx UnivEarthS is pleased to invite you to its 11th scientific committee, to be held on 22 & 23 November 2021 online.

    • 15:45 16:00
      Closed session: Opening words (Scientific committee & Executive board) 15m
    • 16:00 16:10
      At the heart of our galaxy with multi-messenger astronomy: turning back the cosmic clock on SgrA* activity 10m

      Anne Lemière

    • 16:10 16:20
      MYSTHIC: MobilitY versus STorage of HImalayan Carbon 10m

      Frédéric Girault

    • 16:20 16:30
      CRISMI: the Cosmic-Ray InterStellar-Medium Interplay 10m

      Isabelle Grenier

    • 16:30 16:40
      MagmaOcean 10m

      James Badro

    • 16:40 16:50
      Direct dark matter with DarkSide 10m

      Davide De Franco

    • 16:50 17:00
      Break 10m
    • 17:00 17:10
      PCCP 10m

      Matteo Barsuglia

    • 17:10 17:20
      ARGOS+: Astroparticle Research, Geology and Oceanography Studies 10m

      Véronique Van Elewyck

    • 17:20 17:30
      EXOATMOS: Numerical and experimental study of hot and warm rocky exoplanet atmospheres’ in preparation of JWST observations 10m

      Sébastien Charnoz

    • 17:30 17:40
      Multi-messenger Astrophysics with Gamma-Ray Bursts 10m

      Diego Götz

    • 17:40 17:50
      Binary rEvolution: from binaries to gravitational waves 10m

      Sylvain Chaty

    • 17:50 18:00
      Break 10m
    • 18:00 18:10
      EROSAT: ERosion from geOchemistry and remote Sensing of lAndslides in the Tropics 10m

      Antoine Lucas

    • 18:10 18:20
      MIMOSA: Multi-Messenger Observations of Supermassive Accreting systems 10m

      Alexis Coleiro

    • 18:20 18:30
      LEAK: Low Energy Astrophysics with KM3NeT: Detecting low-energy transient neutrino signals with KM3NeT 10m

      Sonia El Hedri

    • 18:30 18:40
      SOILSPECT - Decoupling surface moisture and roughness in soil radiometric response 10m

      Stéphane Jacquemoud

    • 18:40 18:50
      Toward an interdisciplinary approach of Fast Radio Bursts 10m

      Christian Gouiffès

    • 18:50 19:00
      Exploring the future of VIRGO 10m

      Eleonora Capocasa

    • 19:00 19:10
      Break 10m
    • 19:10 19:20
      NGKIDs: Development of New Generation KIDs detection chain 10m

      Michel Piat

    • 19:20 19:30
      LOFIGH: Long range Optical Fiber Instruments for monitoring high-level GeoHazard in harsh environment 10m

      Pascal Bernard

    • 19:30 19:40
      MAPMECA: Multi-messenger Analysis Package to Model Extreme Cosmic Accelerators 10m

      Bruno Khélifi

    • 19:40 19:50
      MMO: Multi-Messenger Observatory on the cloud 10m

      Andrii Neronov

    • 19:50 20:00
      IGOSat: Ionospheric and Gamma-ray Observation Satellite 10m

      Hubert Halloin

    • 16:00 19:00
      Closed session: deliberation (Scientific committee & Executive board) 3h