WP5 Monthly Meeting


Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

You are invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:

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Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*

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    • 1
      Roll call
      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 2
      Minutes of the last meeting

      Minutes of thelast meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
      Overview of meetings: https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/906/

      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 3
      Announcements, news and general updates

      Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
      Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.

      • a) NWO-I / ASTRON
        • EC Review of progress over Reporting Period 2 (August 2020 through January 2022) on took place 2 March.
          • Slides presented on behalf of WP5 are attached.
          • The review was extremely positive, with very encouraging and enthusiastic comments from the reviewers about the work carried out within ESCAPE.
          • The formal report is expected from the reviewers shortly.
          • Thanks to everybody for your hard work in getting us this far!
        • Major events for the remainder of the project:
          • General Assembly 2022: One full day in May 2022; topics & structure similar to the GA last year.
          • Project Closure event: expected in November.
        • WP5 events:
          • ESAP “busy week” in the week of 18 April.
            • Aim for active developers to set aside as much time as possible and work together to land a bunch of the upcoming ESAP functionality we've been discussing.
            • Your suggestions re the programme for the week are welcome; shout now, or drop me a line.
            • Want to organize a breakout or focused session? Great!
          • MS35: Final WP5 ESFRI user training workshop on the Science Platform, details still TBD.
            • Expect this coming in the second half of the year.
        • WP5 technical meetings at 16:00 Central European time on Mondays.
          • Apologies from me today; others are welcome/encoraged to meet for technical discusscions.
          • Next week (28 March):
            • Klaas will present his ideas derived from Stefano's presentation last week on plugins for orchestrating A&A, data, etc.
            • I'd like to review work in progress in terms of the issues created in GitLab for IDA, and the ongoing discussions around batch processing.
        • Klaas Kliffen has stepped up into the ESAP Architect role at ASTRON, previously filled by Nico Vermaas.
          • Nico remains involved in WP5, but is taking some time to focus on other projects at ASTRON.
          • Klaas is a good first point of contact for technical questions about ESAP, and aims to help get MRs moving, technical questions answered, etc.
      • b) CERN
      • c) CNRS-LAPP
      • d) CSIC
        • Working on integrating a BinderHub instance into ESAP.
      • e) CTAO

        Batch excalidraw:

        • https://excalidraw.com/#room=d22af41a7f9224424e39,kuSMiRmqaqqBKKWQhp_Wzg

        Open Issues:

        • zenodo archive will not return results (Thomas)
          • Gareth thinks he has a fix for this.
        • Rucio Query results page cannot show next page
          • Gareth is also taking this on.
      • f) NWO-I / CWI
      • g) EGO
      • h) ESO
      • i) FAIR
      • j) FAU

        Interface to WP3

      • k) IFAE
      • l) INAF

        ESAP installation procedure completely container based (by Stefano Russo) available iat https://www.ict.inaf.it/gitlab/exact/ESAP

        A new virtual machine for deployment, integration and testing purpose allocated.

        Reported on Execution Planner note at the WP4 Forum; expecting to have something implemented for the next IVOA InterOp meeting. Ongoing discussion with CADC.

      • m) JIVE
      • n) KIS
      • o) NWO-I / Nikhef
      • p) RUG

        Two general updates:

        1. Discussing with RUG-IT center to keep the RUG-GSI Jupyterhub service running after the end of ESCAPE

        2. Working on the final version of the Jupyterhub service

      • q) SKAO
        • Addressed technical debt in notebook prototypes.
          • Dev & Prod JupyterHub systems, with BinderHub running.
        • Planned next PI for SKAO work, mitigating uncertainties around SRC prototyping within the Steering Committee.
          • Expecting to co-locate Rucio Storage Element with a Jupyter system, enabling us to replicate DLaaS deployment.
          • Rob & Rohini at SKAO have spent effort on token based auth with Rucio - a number of changes on the back of this have been pushed into the latest Rucio release (1.28).
          • Keen to explore how embargoed data could be protected in interactive sessions.
        • WP2 workshop this afternoon.
        • Experimented with deploying Dask Gateway.
          • Dask Gateway allows user to creat, scale and tear down their clusters on demand (and is preferable to simply giving everyone enough resources to create individual Dask clusters in case they need them.
          • Can make set up guide available to anyone interested
          • Dask Gateway service works but thus far unable to connect to clients for the running services; likely a problem with the gateway's Traefik proxy - this is a bit frustrating but has been reported (https://github.com/dask/dask-gateway/issues/486) as it seems like a bug 
      • r) UCM

        A. Sinha

        Collaborated to organize a work on introduction to VHE Astronomy, heavily based on Gammapy
        https://github.com/AtreyeeS/VHE-KU-workshop (1-3 Feb 2022). Around 100 participants 

        Working on Gammapy, preparing for paper publication
        +Proposed new IRFs that could be a bridge for other collaborations to use the open Gamma Ray Format (SWGO,KM3)

        Atreyee will leave at the end of this month, but will keep some level of involvement with the project.

        N. Alvarez

        Has joined the group and is looking on how to publish our data and machine learning challenge on in
        We have been attending the technical meetings to understand the problems



      • s) UEDIN
    • 4
      Emergent issues
    • 5
      Upcoming meetings