WP5 Monthly Meeting


Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

You are invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*

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    • 1
      Roll call
      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
      • Jose Luis Contreras (UCM)
      • Maisam M. Dadkan (RUG)
      • Hugh Dickinson (Open U.)
      • Matthias Fuessling (CTAO)
      • Gareth Hughes (CTAO)
      • Aard Keimpema (JIVE)
      • Klaas Kliffen (ASTRON)
      • James Pearson (Open U.)
      • Rhys Poulton (EGO)
      • Mathieu Servillat (CTAO)
      • John Swinbank (ASTRON)
      • Harro Verkouter (JIVE)
      • Nico Vermaas (ASTRON)
    • 2
      Minutes of the last meeting

      Minutes of thelast meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
      Overview of meetings: https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/906/

      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 3
      Announcements, news and general updates

      Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
      Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.

      • a) NWO-I / ASTRON

        WP5 Wiki & Issue Tracking

        • We are currently actively using the WP5 wiki on the ASTRON GitLab system: https://git.astron.nl/groups/astron-sdc/escape-wp5/-/wikis/home
          • Please record anything that might be of wider interest there.
          • There's an older WP5 wiki which is deprecated (and now marked as such); please don't record anything there.
        • ESAP development activities are being tracked through the issue tracker on the ASTRON GitLab: https://git.astron.nl/astron-sdc/escape-wp5/esap-general/-/issues
          • Please ensure that any work you are doing on the ESAP core functionality (API Gateway, GUI, shopping basket Python client, etc) is recorded there.
        • If you don't have access to these ASTRON systems, get in touch with me directly.

        Use Cases

        • Use cases provided by ESO have been uploaded to the Project Platform: https://project.escape2020.de/projects/esfri-eso/issues?set_filter=1&tracker_id=7
        • All of these use cases are relevant to ESAP. Please make sure you are acquainted with them.
        • Some go substantially beyond the scope of what we can get done in ESCAPE; these can provide input to future work.

        EC Review

        EC project review scheduled for 2 March 2022. This will cover the period to the end of January 2022. This is a very tight timeline! To support it, the project needs:

        • Technical report on progress in each WP due by 2021-12-15.
          • That is O(5) pages on major activities since the last review.
          • I will coordinate putting this together for WP5, but may draw on others for input as necessary. Watch for requests shortly.
        • Actual and forecast costs provided by each partner institution to the project office by 2021-12-30.
          • Each partner should have received a request for this from Julie Chaudan on 2021-11-08.
          • I expect your financial office are on top of it, but please provide them with whatever assistance they need to ensure this is returned on time.
        • All parters upload their financial data to the EC portal by 2022-02-15.
          • Again, I expect your financial office is on top of it, but please provide whatever help is needed.

        EC Project Brief

        The project received a request from the to provide input on ESCAPE's achievements and plans in the following areas (I quote):

        1.       Integration with the EOSC infrastructure: exposure of thematic data services, tools and of other infrastructure services under the EOSC catalogue of services; stats on the number of research infrastructures identified in the ESFRI Roadmap actually connected to the EOSC and stats on transactions resulting from this exposure (as far as possible).
        2.       FAIR principles implementation and repositories: development of tools and services that support FAIR data; actions to harmonise/standardise the FAIR principles implementation across the cluster; actions to improve institutional repositories to better support FAIR data; eventual contribution to the EOSC interoperability framework.
        3.       Technical, semantic, legal and organisational interoperability: definition and/or harmonisation of domain specific data policies; coordination with national or international related initiatives and support to the deployment of global and sustainable approaches in the field; adoption of common open standards and solutions for data collection, management, processing, curation, annotation and deposition; initiatives taken to address legal interoperability issues preventing the sharing of data across countries and communities.
        4.       Stewardship of data: activities on issues and common solution for FAIR data stewardship and training programmes for data stewards.
        5.       Cross-cluster collaboration activities and achievements.

        Your inputs on any and all of these topics are appreciated. Please send thoughts to me (even just keywords, etc) over the next few days.


        • The (work-in-progress) document at https://git.astron.nl/astron-sdc/escape-wp5/docs/wp5-dac21-1 describes the WP5 contribution to DAC21. It focuses on integration between the DLaaS and the shopping basket.

        Technical Progress

        • Please note the discussion of the “asynchronous ESAP” concept at https://git.astron.nl/groups/astron-sdc/escape-wp5/-/wikis/ESAP/Asynchronous-ESAP; this will be the major focus of the ASTRON team over the next few weeks.
          • Comments and suggestions on that discussion welcome.
          • We'll use this epic to track the work: https://git.astron.nl/groups/astron-sdc/escape-wp5/-/epics/1
        • Note the discussion on “what does it mean for ESAP to execute software” coming on Monday of next week.


      • b) CERN
      • c) CNRS-LAPP
      • d) CSIC
      • e) CTAO

        Towards DIRAC-ESAP integration. Step 1 get x509 cert from IAM. 
        I have a script that can do this now. Thanks Andrea and Hugh.
        Next step authenticate in the submission script and add that to the backend. 

        WP3 Enrique and Thomas announced new version of eOSSR. v0.2 -> v0.3.3
        Created an issue and branch. A bit formal but better than just emails.
        Did some testing - looks good. Someone else might want to look?
        Merge request submitted. 

      • f) NWO-I / CWI
      • g) EGO
      • h) ESO
      • i) FAIR
      • j) FAU
      • k) IFAE
      • l) INAF
      • m) JIVE
        • The Jive JupyterHub allows users to process radio astronomical experiments from the JIVE archive. When a user selects an experiment they will be presented with a notebook from our notebook repository.

          We are creating a service which will allow users to submit their notebooks back to this notebook repository. Among other things this will allow users to reference their notebooks in publications.
        • We are working on providing eduGAIN login for our JupyterHub which will allow federated login from a large fraction of the global academic institutions. We are currently working with the Dutch NREN Surfnet to setup the system.
      • n) KIS
      • o) NWO-I / Nikhef
      • p) RUG

        Busy with the DAC21 preparations.

      • q) SKAO

        Mainly DAC21 prep - in addition to running tests against the SKAO and ESCAPE data lake prototypes, we are planning to test out some SKAO workflows on the ESCAPE-hosted 'Data Lake as a Service' (co-located Rucio storage and JupyterHub instance).

        Exploring persistent volumes in SKAO BinderHub prototype - we have looked at creating persistent volumes provisioned using both NFS and Ceph with Rook. Examples and docs are provided in the repo (https://github.com/JColl88/jupyterhub-on-k8s/tree/master/binderhub), but if anyone is interested in learning more (in particular deploying a Ceph cluster) we can help with that!

      • r) UCM

        Still no news this month. Finalizing last details of new postdoc contract.

      • s) UEDIN
    • 4
      Emergent issues
    • 5
      Upcoming meetings