AnLy Strings & Fields in-person Meeting
Petit Amphi
LAPTh Annecy
This is a meeting on topics related to string and field theory, between members of nearby institutions:
More information can be found on the AnLy webpage.
For this first edition, the meeting will take place in LAPTh, Annecy, on the 16/11/21.
It is not easy to go from Lyon to Annecy these days. There is no Flixbus on that date. One option is to take a non-direct train (or train + bus); we give below the schedule and the preferences for the workshop. Another option is to come by car; in that case you may consider car-sharing.
Train schedule: from Lyon to Annecy and back (with one change):
8:08 - 10:00 Train + bus (prefered)
9:08 - 11:15 Train + train
16:44 - 18:52 Train + train (prefered)
17:44 - 19:52 Train + train
Detailed information on how to access the LAPTh can be found on this page; in particular, buses connecting the station and the LAPTh are indicated.
There is no lunch option close to the LAPTh (no shop, canteen, etc.). If you are interested, a vegetarian lunch will be provided. Please indicate your interest when registering.
Eduroam is available at LAPTh. Another possibility is to get a guest access when you arrive.
Group picture