AnLy Strings & Fields in-person Meeting

Petit Amphi (LAPTh Annecy)

Petit Amphi

LAPTh Annecy

9, chemin de Bellevue Annecy-le-Vieux 74941 ANNECY

This is a meeting on topics related to string and field theory, between members of nearby institutions:

  • IP2I (CNRS, UCBL), Lyon

  • LAPTh (CNRS, USMB), Annecy


More information can be found on the AnLy webpage.

For this first edition, the meeting will take place in LAPTh, Annecy, on the 16/11/21.



It is not easy to go from Lyon to Annecy these days. There is no Flixbus on that date. One option is to take a non-direct train (or train + bus); we give below the schedule and the preferences for the workshop. Another option is to come by car; in that case you may consider car-sharing.

Train schedule: from Lyon to Annecy and back (with one change):

8:08 - 10:00 Train + bus  (prefered)
9:08 - 11:15 Train + train

16:44 - 18:52 Train + train  (prefered)
17:44 - 19:52 Train + train

Detailed information on how to access the LAPTh can be found on this page; in particular, buses connecting the station and the LAPTh are indicated.



There is no lunch option close to the LAPTh (no shop, canteen, etc.). If you are interested, a vegetarian lunch will be provided. Please indicate your interest when registering.



Eduroam is available at LAPTh. Another possibility is to get a guest access when you arrive.


Group picture

David Andriot
    • Coffee
    • Talk: David Andriot: Stability no-go theorems for classical de Sitter solutions Petit Amphi

      Petit Amphi

      LAPTh Annecy

      9, chemin de Bellevue Annecy-le-Vieux 74941 ANNECY
      • 1
        Stability no-go theorems for classical de Sitter solutions
        Orateur: David Andriot
    • Lunch break
    • Talk: Group picture Petit Amphi

      Petit Amphi

      LAPTh Annecy

      9, chemin de Bellevue Annecy-le-Vieux 74941 ANNECY
    • Talk: Ludwig Horer: Classical de Sitter solutions of string theory Petit Amphi

      Petit Amphi

      LAPTh Annecy

      9, chemin de Bellevue Annecy-le-Vieux 74941 ANNECY
      • 2
        Classical de Sitter solutions of string theory

        A de Sitter space-time appears in cosmological models as a good approximate description of our universe in the future or in the early times. It is thus natural to try to obtain solutions with such a space-time from a quantum gravity theory such as string theory. This however turns out to be very difficult. In this talk, we focus on obtaining de Sitter solutions in the classical regime of string theory: while constrained, this simple framework offers the possibility of controlled approximations. We work-out new constraints on the existence of such solutions, and look for some in the remaining region of parameter space. We identify all source configurations in 10d type II supergravities for which de Sitter solutions are possible. We find new solutions and study their stability with regard to fluctuations around the background.

        Orateur: Ludwig Horer
    • Talk: Henning Samtleben: TBA Petit Amphi

      Petit Amphi

      LAPTh Annecy

      9, chemin de Bellevue Annecy-le-Vieux 74941 ANNECY
      • 3
        Orateur: Henning Samtleben
    • Coffee