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Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).
We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).
LAPP ESCAPE bi-weekly meetings
On Indico
DAC 21 :
CTA use case 2 (reprocessing)
Discussion with Luisa A. Conclusion DIRAC server must have access to RUCIO server (not only worker).
There is a networking rule @ PIC that prevents access from outside. This rule can not be modified before DAC21 according to Agustin. Therefore we won’t be able to run this use case :(
S3 :
I created an openstack project in CERN, with s3 storage attached 50 TB.
The client s3cmd is installed and configure on lapp-esc03
Next step : modify the LAPP-AWS settings in CRIC
dCache :
Remove read only anonymous access.
For testing purpose, using oidc agent installed on lapp-esc03
Working with Federica from INF to fix the OIDC support
LAPP-WEBDAV RSE was open to anonymous access
It has been fixed with updating authentication mechanisms.
But FTS transfers are failing. Continue to investigate.
Rucio document for DAC21
Second session completed on 18th October.
For DAC21
After Riccardo’s call to perform tests to get ready for the event, I picked the past 15/10 and 20/10
Unfortunately, the past 15/10 it was an issue at CERN and almost all services were down for hours
So last 20/10 I started the “data augmentation” in the DLaaS.
Found some relevant things like I cannot have a >99.99GB ROOT file with a TTree inside
This is making me change some parts so to get the 10x data I plan
So, I will continue the tests the coming Monday 25/10
This include to upload ~6TB to IN2P3/LAPP and INFN/Napoli RSEs
Sustancial conversations with Xavier regarding the integration of the new personnel
The past 19/10 I host an in-person meeting at CERN with Alba, Elena, Jared and Xavier to get on the same page regarding the Datalake usage, the DLaaS, the VRE prototype and other tools.
They agreed to have frequent meetings in person and online.
No mayor updates.
*eOSSR v.0.3.3 release note:
A major update of the eOSSR library.
Rubin Science Platform at LAPP
- General video: work in progress
- Data Science school: work in progress
- ESFRI: Only 2 video pills to be done: EST and HLC and maybe LSST
- liaising with Xavier Espinal, WP2, to organise next one
- Second ESCAPE Virtual Observatory School: https://www.projectescape.eu/events/second-escape-virtual-observatory-school
- Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XXXI https://www.projectescape.eu/events/astronomical-data-analysis-software-and-systems-adass-xxxi