15–16 nov. 2021
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Retrieving cosmology from small scale CMB foregrounds

16 nov. 2021, 11:00


Marian Douspis (IAS)


Small scale CMB data contain a lot of cosmological information hidden in the different components : primordial CMB, tSZ effect, kSZ effect, CIB. Standard analyses assume templates for non primordial CMB component and lose the cosmological signature of large scale structures contained in secondary anisotropies.
I will present a new analysis of SPT data at small scales where the tSZ spectrum is derived from the halo model, or from Machine learning, and bring additional constraints. I will show the cosmological and scaling relation parameter constraints obtained by combining SPT CMB data and Planck tSZ measurements.

Auteur principal

Marian Douspis (IAS)

Documents de présentation