Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.

Technical Coordination Meeting


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Ian Bird is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ESCAPE Technical Coordination

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Meeting ID: 954 2955 6769
Passcode: 115510


Meeting Notes


Ian Bird, Marco Molinaro, Mohammed Al-Turany, John Swinbank, Martino Romaniello, Rosie Bolton, Thomas Vuillame, Stephen Serjeant, Hugh Dickinson, Kay Graf, Jutta Schnabel,

Apologies: Mark Allen, Xavier Espinal

WP2 (Rosie): DAC21 now fixed for week of 22-26 Nov

WP4 (Marco): next steps planned as noted in the GA meetings.

Upcoming meetings relevant to WP4: ADASS, and IVOA where they are doing tutorials and BoF sessions; Also EU  Data Providers workshop coming up; Also preparing for the VO school in February.

It was noted that the metadata discussion will be important

CTA - preparations for DAC21 ongoing, finalising use cases and tests, also setting up CTA instances; no problems so far.

ESO - agree that metadata needs attention even if not solved during ESCAPE.;  They have provided a detailed write up for ESAP use cases.  Note that science platforms (liek ESAP) is on the radar of their User Committee (e.g. code to data) - so ESO would like to understand ESAP timelines to inform that community.  

  • 1 person funded by ESCAPE is leaving, leaving 6 PM not easily used.

FAIR - will be in DAC21 with 2 experiments (perhaps 3), and will make use of the WP2 DL.  They are also onboarding a nuclear physics experiment into WP3, gives a connection to the National German project using ESCAPE tools; then will be open to other Helmholtz institutes/experiments.

LHC - main focus is on DAC21 preparations (apologised that CMS missed a scheduled discussion), but the use cases are well defined.

KM3Net - workflows now connected to WP2 for DAC21; development progress of a high energy data format common to KM3Net and CTA with the collaboration of WP4.

SKA - most focus is on DAC21.  Note that we should discuss the end of ESCAPE funding and that some organisations may not have much effort available in the final months of the project.  Important for support of tools, deliverables etc.

Martino asked the relative importance of a common data platform for the 2 TSPs.  For EU sharing data on same platform is a clearer use case that for the DM projects (something to raise in the TSP meeting).

Top priorities for discussion in future meetings (from GA discussion days):

  • Sustainability of ESCAPE products & services (& operation) after end of the project (even before as funding runs out in some cases)
  • Integration of DL with other infrastructures - IVOA in particular, but other end-points like B2Find, EGI, Globus, iRods, etc.
  • ...
Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 1
      Orateur: Ian Bird (LAPP)
    • 2
      TSP update
      • DM had a meeting last week to welcome new post-docs, and to start work on planning
      • Will be a general TSP meeting next week - will send the invitation today
      • We need to progress on:
        • Few high level milestones per sub-project & for main ESCAPE tools
        • Produce/summarise first estimate of resource needs (discuss next week); will be a spreadsheet to try and get input


    • 3
      Use cases

      How to manage additional use cases, including longer term

      Orateur: Ian Bird (LAPP)
    • 4
      Round Table
      • a) WP2
        Orateur: Xavier Espinal (CERN)
      • b) WP3
        Orateur: Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
      • c) WP4
        Orateur: Mark Allen (CDS/CNRS)
      • d) WP5
        Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
      • e) WP6
        Orateur: Prof. Stephen Serjeant (The Open University)
      • f) CTA
        Orateur: Dr Matthias Fuessling (CTAO gGmbH)
      • g) EGO
        Orateur: Antonella Bozzi
      • h) ESO
        Orateur: Dr Martino Romaniello (ESO)
      • i) EST
        Orateur: Nazaret Bello Gonzalez
      • j) FAIR
        Orateur: Mohammad Al-Turany (CERN)
      • k) HL-LHC
        Orateurs: Daniele Spiga (infn), Daniele Spiga (INFN-Perugia)
      • l) Jive
        Orateur: harro verkouter (Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC)
      • m) KM3Net
        Orateurs: Jutta Schnabel (FAU Erlangen (ECAP)), Dr Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
      • n) SKA
        Orateur: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation)
    • 5
      • Next meeting ?

      • Items for future agendas