Présidents de session
- Florian Ruppin (IP2I Lyon)
- Florian Ruppin (IP2I Lyon)
We exploit a suite of large \emph{N}-body simulations (up to N=$4096^3$) performed with \Abacus, of scale-free models with a range of spectral indices $n$, to better understand and quantify convergence of the matter power spectrum in dark matter only cosmological \emph{N}-body simulations. Using self-similarity to identify converged regions,
we show that the maximal wavenumber resolved at a...
La nature de la matière noire est l'un des problèmes les plus importants de la cosmologie et de la physique théorique. Cette composante, qui constitue plus de 80 % de la matière de l'Univers, n'a jusqu'à présent été détectée que par ses effets gravitationnels. Le scénario habituel est celui des "Weakly Interacting Massive Particles" (WIMP). Cependant, de telles particules n'ont toujours...
The LIGO-Virgo collaboration is using three interferometers and several analysis pipelines in order to observe the sky in search of gravitational waves of different origins. Detected gravitational waves events were usually required to be found in coincidence in at least two detectors in order to be selected as candidates. The increase in sensitivity now enables the search of candidates within...
A large variety of cosmological observations has validated the Λ CDM model as the leading one in driving the dynamics of the Universe. This model requires the validity of several assumptions : the Cosmological Principle (homogeneity and isotropy at large scales). Despite numerous successes, the standard model is facing some challenges like the detection of large scale velocity flows.
Type Ia...