Présidents de session
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- Luc Darmé (IP2I - CNRS)
- Luc Darmé (IP2I - CNRS)
We give a rigorous proof of the renormalization of the $\phi_4^4$ massive semi-infinite model using the renormalization group flow equations. We present the family of all admissible boundary conditions and the propagators associated to each boundary condition. Then we study the regularity properties of the support of the gaussian measure associated to the regularized propagator. We also...
In the Standard Model electroweak interactions are strictly lepton flavour universal.
In view of the emerging hints for the violation of lepton flavour universality in several $B$-meson decays, we conduct a model-independent study (effective field theory approach) of several well-motivated new physics scenarios.
Taking into account the most recent LHCb data, we provide updates to New...
Since decades, our knowledge of fundamental physics is being challenged by astrophysical and cosmological observations, thus leading us to the hypothesis of the existence of the so-called dark matter. Nowadays, different approaches have been explored in order to describe the nature of such matter. One of them assumes that the dark matter is made of a stable particle not yet detected by...
We propose the relaxation bootstrap method for the numerical solution of multi-matrix models in the large N limit, developing and improving the recent proposal of H.Lin. It gives rigorous inequalities on the single trace moments of the matrices up to a given "cutoff" order (length) of the moments. The method combines usual loop equations on the moments and the positivity constraint on the...
abstract will be provided as a separate file
The interacting shell model is a modern many-body method used in nuclear structure calculations. The basic idea of the model is that the eigenproblem for a microscopic Hamiltonian is solved by diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix in a spherically-symmetric many-body basis (for example, a harmonic oscillator basis). The basis dimension grows very rapidly with increasing atomic number A....