For many Standard Model (SM) measurements and searches for new phenomena, jet-calibration is crucial and b-jets are involved in some important final states as for example the main decay of the Higgs boson is into pairs of b-quarks (H→bb).
To properly reconstruct the kinematics of those processes, an accurate calibration of the b-jet energy is hence required.
Up until now, there was no dedicated b-Jet energy scale (b-JES) calibration and such energy correction was assumed to be equal to the light jets calibration. Moreover the related b-JES uncertainties were only estimated from the Monte Carlo simulations.
For the first time in ATLAS, the b-jet energy correction and its uncertainties have been measured in Data. For this never performed study, the energy correction was obtained from a template method that compares top invariant mass distributions in Data and MC using hadronic top decays (t→Wb→qqb) in ttbar lepton+jets events.