With the project of neutrino tagging, we propose a new way to study the yet unknown parameters of neutrino physics. The neutrino tagging technique consists in instrumenting the beamline of a long baseline experiment with Silicon trackers, that can precisely measure the properties of the charged particles that participate in a two-body decay, producing neutrinos. The properties of a state-of-the-art Silicon tracker, especially its time resolution, allow for a one-to-one match with neutrinos detected after oscillations at the far detector, granting unprecedented precision on the measurement of the neutrino energy and of the parameters of neutrino physics, such as the CP violating phase. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of this technique, first by studying the factors that affect the time resolution of Silicon trackers, and then by performing the neutrino tagging technique on data from the NA62 experiment, exploiting the properties of its performing tracker and its calorimeters.