Muography is a recent technique in particle physics where atmospheric muons are used to study the interior of large targets such as volcanoes. In the case of transmission muography, a detector is used to count and track muons that survive after propagation through the target. To a first approximation, the number of muons that survive after propagation through the target depends directly on the...
Incoming large-scale radio experiments for cosmic-ray detection require to run massive air-shower simulations to evaluate the radio-signal at any antenna position. The modeling of the radio-emission can be performed either based on microscopic or macroscopic approaches. The former is fast but relies on many free parameters that limits accuracy, the latter consists of Monte-Carlo simulations...
The Pierre Auger Observatory is the largest cosmic-ray observatory to date. It has been built in order to study the most energetic particles in the universe, commonly known as Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR). With a surface of 3,000$\,{\rm km^{2}}$(30 times Paris), the observatory detects cosmic rays from $10^{17.5}\text{ to }10^{20.5}\,{\rm eV}$. The energy, the shower depth ${\rm...
The Large Sized Telescope (LST) prototype is currently under commissioning at La Palma. It's the first on-site telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). CTA is the new generation of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT) for the ground based detection of Very High-Energy gamma-ray (VHE).
GRBs are short explosions, they are one the most energetic phenomena in the universe....
We perform a joint gravitational waves/gamma-ray bursts (GW/GRB) Bayesian analysis in order to put constraints on the low-luminosity end of the short gamma-ray burst (sGRB) population. For this purpose we exploit the results of the modeled search for GW transients associated to short and ambiguous GRBs detected during the O1, O2, O3a and O3b runs of the LIGO/Virgo network and a broken power...
TeV halos are astrophysical objects recently discovered by the H.AW.C. which extend around pulsars. These sources are electron and positron accelerators that interact with the surrounding magnetic field. Their recent detection is due to the fact that they are only visible in the gamma ray region, their size represents several degrees in the sky and they are very faint. To study them, it is...
The high reflective mirrors of the gravitational waves detector LIGO & Virgo present in the coating many micrometer size defects that scatter the light in the interferometer. This scattered light induces a loss of the laser power of the order of a few tens of parts per million (ppm) and a phase noise because of the recombination with the main beam after reflection on the tube walls. This...
Proton therapy is a tumor treatment taking advantage of the Bragg Peak, a very sharp peak that enable a highly localized energy deposition at the end of particle range. However, the determination of the Bragg peak position is subjected to uncertainties that requires the establishment of safety margins during the irradiation of the patient, therefore decreasing the targeting efficiency in favor...
Diamond is a promising material for particle detection due to its very high resistivity, excellent charge transport properties (high mobility and long lifetime) and its high radiation hardness. Therefore, diamond is a particularly interesting material for studying charged particles such as alpha particles or fission fragments. For this purpose, a monolithic diamond ΔE-E telescope is under...
In order to study the internal structure of nucleons and nuclei and address some important outstanding questions in nuclear physics, a new Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is planned to be built at Brookhaven National Lab (NY, USA). The EIC will collide a high energy proton/ion beam with a high energy electron beam. High performance detectors will be used to detect the particles created in the...
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Col-
lider (LHC) is operated at CERN and measures proton-proton
collisions at multi-TeV energies with a repetition frequency
of 40 MHz. Within the phase-II upgrade of the LHC, the
readout electronics of the liquid-argon (LAr) calorimeters
of ATLAS are being prepared for high luminosity operation
expecting a pileup of up to 200 simultaneous...
The Phase-II upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will increase its instantaneous luminosity by a factor of around 10 leading to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). At the HL-LHC, the number of proton-proton collisions in one bunch crossing, also known as pileup, increases significantly, putting more stringent requirements on the LHC detectors electronics and real-time data processing...
The Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) is part of the Super B factory composed of the asym-
metric energy e + e − collider SuperKEKB and the Belle II experiment and is used to identify decay
vertices as well as reconstruct tracks and provide particle identification information.
In order to correctly reconstruct tracks, the position of the hits created by charged particles...
With the project of neutrino tagging, we propose a new way to study the yet unknown parameters of neutrino physics. The neutrino tagging technique consists in instrumenting the beamline of a long baseline experiment with Silicon trackers, that can precisely measure the properties of the charged particles that participate in a two-body decay, producing neutrinos. The properties of a...
L'expérience Ricochet a pour but de mesurer le processus CENNS (interaction élastique cohérente neutrino noyau) à basse énergie avec une précision de l’ordre de 1% afin d'y confronter le modèle standard et de rechercher de possibles signes de nouvelle physique. Elle sera située proche du réacteur nucléaire de l'institut Laue Langevin à Grenoble fin 2022. L'expérience sera composée de deux...
The Standard Model of particle physics is the set of quantum theories that governs the behavior of elementary particles and fundamental forces. It describes the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. However, despite the huge successes of the Standard Model, there are many strong observational and theoretical reasons to believe that it is not the ultimate model to describe the nature....
P. Delahaye$^{1} $, E. Liénard$^{2}$ , I. Moore$^{3}$ , G. Ban$^{2}$ , M.L. Bissell$^{4}$ , S. Daumas-Tschopp$^{2}$, R.P. De Groote$^{3}$ ,
F. De Oliveira$^{1}$ , A. De Roubin$^{5}$ , T. Eronen$^{3}$ , A. Falkowski$^{6}$ , C. Fougères$^{1}$, X. Fléchard$^{2}$ , S. Geldhof$^{7}$ ,
W. Gins$^{3}$ , N. Goyal$^{1}$ , M. Gonzalez – Alonso$^{8}$ , A. Jaries$^{3}$ , A. Jokinen$^{3}$, A....
DAMIC-M (Dark Matter in CCDs at Modane) is a near-future experiment that aims at searching for low-mass dark matter particles through their interactions with silicon atoms in the bulk of charge-coupled devices (CCDs). Pioneer in this technique was the DAMIC experiment at SNOLAB. Its successor, DAMIC-M, will have a detector mass 25 times larger and will employ a novel CCD technology (skipper...
Search for Charge-Parity violation (CPV) in $B\to D^* \ell \nu$ transitions. In the Standard model (SM) there is no CP-asymmetry in this type of decays, however two New Physics (NP) possible ways to obtain CPV are investigated in this thesis. One possibility is given by the triple product asymmetries in four-body decays of B mesons, while the other possibility is the interference of two (or...
The Higgs boson self-coupling provides information about the structure of the Higgs potential.
A direct probe of the self-coupling of the Higgs boson is possible by studying Higgs boson pair production.
Furthermore, an enhancement of the Higgs boson pair production rate with respect to the Standard Model (SM) prediction would point to new beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) physics and may be...
The Stnadard Model of particle physics is the model that best describe our current knowledge of elementary particles and their interactions. However, it can't explain everything. For this reason, experiments like ATLAS tries to find the constituents of New Physics beyond the Standard Model.
In order to analyse the data produced by these experiments, Machine Learning is a very popular tool....
Un nouveau boson dont les propriétés s’apparentent à celles du boson de Higgs standard a été découvert en 2012 par les collaborations CMS et ATLAS au CERN. Depuis, les efforts se concentrent sur la mesure de précision de certaines de ses caractéristiques. Cette présentation a pour objectif de présenter la mesure des propriétés CP du boson de Higgs à travers ses différents couplages aux autres...
The calibration of the Liquid Argon Electromagnetic Calorimeter at the ATLAS experiment is done with $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow ee$ Data and MC. While the continuous efforts of the collaboration have improved the agreement between both samples, there is a remaining non-negligible discrepancy between the Data and MC dilepton invariant mass lineshape that has not been accounted for by existent...
The Higgs decay into two Z bosons, each Z decaying into two charged leptons (hence Higgs-to-4-lepton decay) is called the golden channel as it is one of the Higgs decay channels with the cleanest signal. The study of the off-shell Higgs offers new possibilities of analysis beyond the on-shell data. The off-shell region is defined as a centre-of-mass energy of more than 220 GeV.
We thus have...
For many Standard Model (SM) measurements and searches for new phenomena, jet-calibration is crucial and b-jets are involved in some important final states as for example the main decay of the Higgs boson is into pairs of b-quarks (H→bb).
To properly reconstruct the kinematics of those processes, an accurate calibration of the b-jet energy is hence required.
Up until now, there was no...
A bosonic particle with a mass equals to 125GeV was observed in 2012, by ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This particle was associated with the Higgs Boson or BEH boson, predicted fifty years before its discovery by François Englert, Robert Brout and Peter Higgs. This particle validates the BEH mechanism, explaining the origin of the mass of known particles and...
We exploit a suite of large \emph{N}-body simulations (up to N=$4096^3$) performed with \Abacus, of scale-free models with a range of spectral indices $n$, to better understand and quantify convergence of the matter power spectrum in dark matter only cosmological \emph{N}-body simulations. Using self-similarity to identify converged regions,
we show that the maximal wavenumber resolved at a...
La nature de la matière noire est l'un des problèmes les plus importants de la cosmologie et de la physique théorique. Cette composante, qui constitue plus de 80 % de la matière de l'Univers, n'a jusqu'à présent été détectée que par ses effets gravitationnels. Le scénario habituel est celui des "Weakly Interacting Massive Particles" (WIMP). Cependant, de telles particules n'ont toujours...
The LIGO-Virgo collaboration is using three interferometers and several analysis pipelines in order to observe the sky in search of gravitational waves of different origins. Detected gravitational waves events were usually required to be found in coincidence in at least two detectors in order to be selected as candidates. The increase in sensitivity now enables the search of candidates within...
A large variety of cosmological observations has validated the Λ CDM model as the leading one in driving the dynamics of the Universe. This model requires the validity of several assumptions : the Cosmological Principle (homogeneity and isotropy at large scales). Despite numerous successes, the standard model is facing some challenges like the detection of large scale velocity flows.
Type Ia...
La compréhension du phénomène d'oscillation des neutrinos est un sujet de recherche très actif depuis une trentaine d'années et est au coeur de nombreuses questions ouvertes telles que leur système d’acquisition de masse au delà du modèle standard, l’origine de l’asymétrie matière-antimatière, ou le mécanisme d’explosions des supernovae …Les expériences d’oscillation de neutrinos de faisceau...
Core-Collapse Supernovas (CCSN) are gigantic and luminous explosions which occur when a massive star (M ≥ 8 M$_{\odot}$) comes to death. Many questions remain unanswered about the mechanisms which leads to such a violent explosion. Thirty-four years ago, for the first time, a few dozens of neutrinos from a CCSN (SN1987A) were detected, marking the beginning of a new era in the study of...
abstract will be provided as a separate file
SuperNEMO is an experiment aiming to search for the hypothetical neutrinoless double beta decay using a Tracker-Calorimeter Technique. A first module, called Demonstrator, is under construction and testing at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM) at 4800 m.w.e. depth. The Demonstrator aims to reach a sensitivity on the neutrinoless double beta decay half-life of T > 6.5 *...
Le neutrino est la particule de matière la plus abondante de l’Univers, mais aussi la plus mystérieuse, car on ne connaît toujours pas des propriétés aussi fondamentales que sa nature (Dirac ou Majorana ?) ou sa masse. Le projet SuperNEMO cherche à amener des éléments de réponse à ces interrogations avec la recherche de la décroissance double bêta sans émission de neutrino. Cette réaction,...
Les systèmes nucléaires présentent une grande diversité de propriétés prouvant la complexité de leur structure. Cette complexité est héritée de plusieurs phénomènes, le premier étant lié à la structure interne des protons et neutrons en termes de quarks et gluons. Ainsi, la théorie sous-jacente de la chromodynamique quantique (QCD) joue un rôle primordial dans la description des noyaux....
Exploring the fission properties of nuclei in the actinide region has revealed that the symmetric division of the nuclei into two equal masses was not the only mode of fission. It was observed that the fission of actinides preferably produced Fission Fragments (FFs) of unequal mass numbers, which was thought to originate from the strong spherical shell effects present in the FFs by the doubly...
First-forbidden beta decays play an important role in several domains of physics. First, in astrophysics, where nuclear data such as the half-life govern stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis [1]. Second, they are of interest for nuclear reactors physics as first highlighted in 2014 [2]. In first-forbidden $\beta$-decays, the form factor of the leptonic spectra are not equal to one as for...
Most of the heavy nuclei in the Universe (Z > 26) are formed by neutron captures during the so-called s- or r-processes. However, 35 proton-rich nuclei imply the existence of another process of nucleosynthesis, the p-process, which takes place in explosive stellar events. The modeling of this process relies on theoretical calculations of nuclear reaction rates. One of the main uncertainties...
A Bayesian analysis of the possible behaviors of the dense matter equation of state informed through recent LIGO-Virgo as well as NICER measurements reveals that all the present observations are compatible with a fully nucleonic hypothesis for the composition of dense matter, even in the core of the most massive pulsar PSR J0740+6620. Under the hypothesis of a nucleonic composition, we extract...
Many molecules are spread in the earth atmosphere and observed as components of aerosol since the industrial revolution. Besides, some organic molecules such as pyridine evidence a significantly increased atmospheric concentration but are not observed as components of the atmospheric aerosols. Pyridine (C5H5N) is a hydrophobic molecule and the pyridinium-water clusters are of interest since...
The presence of clouds of methanol in the interstellar medium (ISM) has been evidenced recently by the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) radiotelescope. The high abundance of such organic molecule shows its remarkable persistence despite being exposed to the energetic radiation in interstellar space. Indeed, radiation impact can lead to dissociation of the molecule but can also open...
A variety of laser-based applications has been developed since its invention in 1960s, among them is mass spectroscopy. A wavelength tunable laser radiation can selectively excite quantum transitions in atoms and molecules. A majority of laser spectroscopy methods are based on this resonance laser-matter interaction where resonant excitation and subsequent ionization of atoms is done using a...
L’approche théranostique est un nouveau paradigme de la médecine nucléaire qui consiste à utiliser quand c’est possible, un même radioélément pour réaliser le diagnostic et la thérapie et ainsi à personnaliser les traitements de chaque patient. Un quadruplet de terbium répond à cette attente : Tb-149 (α-thérapie ), Tb-160 ( β-thérapie) , Tb-152 (tomographie par émission de positons) et Tb-155...
We give a rigorous proof of the renormalization of the $\phi_4^4$ massive semi-infinite model using the renormalization group flow equations. We present the family of all admissible boundary conditions and the propagators associated to each boundary condition. Then we study the regularity properties of the support of the gaussian measure associated to the regularized propagator. We also...
In the Standard Model electroweak interactions are strictly lepton flavour universal.
In view of the emerging hints for the violation of lepton flavour universality in several $B$-meson decays, we conduct a model-independent study (effective field theory approach) of several well-motivated new physics scenarios.
Taking into account the most recent LHCb data, we provide updates to New...
Since decades, our knowledge of fundamental physics is being challenged by astrophysical and cosmological observations, thus leading us to the hypothesis of the existence of the so-called dark matter. Nowadays, different approaches have been explored in order to describe the nature of such matter. One of them assumes that the dark matter is made of a stable particle not yet detected by...
We propose the relaxation bootstrap method for the numerical solution of multi-matrix models in the large N limit, developing and improving the recent proposal of H.Lin. It gives rigorous inequalities on the single trace moments of the matrices up to a given "cutoff" order (length) of the moments. The method combines usual loop equations on the moments and the positivity constraint on the...
abstract will be provided as a separate file
The interacting shell model is a modern many-body method used in nuclear structure calculations. The basic idea of the model is that the eigenproblem for a microscopic Hamiltonian is solved by diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix in a spherically-symmetric many-body basis (for example, a harmonic oscillator basis). The basis dimension grows very rapidly with increasing atomic number A....
Within the framework of the exploration of the phase diagram of nuclear matter, the susceptibilities are useful tools to probe the existence of a 1st order phase transition and a possible critical endpoint. In this context, STAR collaboration recently published some results of variances and 2nd order susceptibility ratios for electric charge (Q), protons and kaons (the last 2 being used as...
The development of the merged EPOS+PHSD approach is one way to study the influence of the initial non-equilibrium stage of the heavy-ion reactions on the final observables. The microscopic understanding of the initial phase of heavy-ion collisions is an intricate problem, in this respect, the EPOS and PHSD approaches provide a unique possibility to address this problem. We employ the EPOS to...
Parton-Hadron-Quantum-Molecular-Dynamics (PHQMD) is, a microscopic n-body
transport model based on the QMD propagation of the baryonic degrees of freedom with density
dependent 2-body potential interactions. All other ingredients of PHQMD, including the collision
integral and the treatment of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) phase, are adopted from the Parton-
Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD)...
Baryon resonances (3-quark states) occurred in the micro-second old universe during the transition between the Quark Gluon Plasma and the confinement of quarks and gluons in nucleons. Their properties (mass, life time, branching ratios,…) can be determined through nucleon excitations using electron, photon or hadron beams, providing a unique source of information on Quantum ChromoDynamics...
ALICE is one of the experiments of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). The purpose of ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is to study the properties of strongly interacting matter by performing different kinds of measurements in proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions. The first detector encountered by collisions'...
Lattice QCD predicts the formation of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) at extreme conditions of temperature and energy density, a state of matter where quarks and gluons are no longer
confined inside hadrons. The study of QGP is carried out by different experiments, e.g ALICE experiment, at the large hadron collider (LHC), where two ultra relativistic beams of proton or heavy ions are collided...
Quarkonium production in small systems has been the subject of many theoretical and experimental studies. In proton--nucleus (p--A) collisions, their production is sensitive to cold nuclear matter effects such as nuclear modification of parton densities, parton energy loss via initial-state radiation and transverse momentum broadening due to multiple soft collisions. Furthermore,...
Ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions are an important tool to investigate the Quark-Gluon Plasma predicted by the theory of Quantum Chromo-Dynamics. It is also possible to use these collisions to study poorly known gluon shadowing effects at low Bjorken-$x$ values. Indeed Ultra-Peripheral Collisions (UPC) between two Pb nuclei, in which the impact parameter is larger than the sum of their...