ESCAPE QoS fortnightly meeting


Minutes for 2021-04-28 T2.2 meeting

The previous meeting minutes.


Alba Vendrell

Berkay Turk

Frederic Gillardo

Gareth Hughes

Marek Szuba

Martin Barisits

Paul Millar

Rohini Joshi

Rosie Bolton



  • Alba presenting her QoS monitoring work.

  • Rough milestones and timeline for DAC21 

  • SKA plans for DAC21


DAC21 is shaping up.  There is a task-leaders meeting this Friday afternoon.


DAC21 proposal, DAC21 QoS/Caching tentative milestones and timeline.


Proposed activities:

  1. Data injection+processing,

  2. Data management/multi-RUCIOs,

  3. Token integration.

SKA plans for DAC21


Round table
Streams info can be found at:

Stream A: prototyping and demonstration

Stream B: engagement with experiments

Stream C: software developments


The next meeting will be on 2021-05-12


Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 14:00 14:10
      News 10m
      Orateur: Paul Millar (DESY)
    • 14:10 14:40
      SKA DAC21 plans 30m
    • 14:40 14:55
      Round Table 15m

      ** Stream A: Prototyping and demonstration**

      ** Stream B: Engagement with experiments**

      Stream C: Software development

    • 14:55 15:00
      AOB 5m