Follow-up of the 2020 workshop on Provenance requirements
ESO Web and Programmatic interfaces, using: - ADQL - Aladin Lite - DataLink - HiPS - ObsCore - SAMP - SODA - SSA - STC-S (point, circle, polygon, multi-polygon) - TAP (DALI, VOSI, UWS, UCD, UTYPE, ...) - TOPCAT - VOTable - pyvo
In this contribution the requirements and current status of the integration efforts of high-energy neutrino data in the VO, and more widely, ESCAPE environment, is introduced from the perspective of KM3NeT. A special focus will be given to the requirement of providing probability estimates alongside the data to interpret these low-statistic data samples. If fitting, we can also provide an...
We explain what has been achieved this year at the ROB within WP4, Task 2.2 on 'implementing FAIR principles through VO'. Mapping of UCD to solar physics catalogs and FITS keywords is underway, and some extensions of UCD to solar physics are being discussed. We also investigated the interoperability between a solar image browser, JHelioviewer, and the TAP service at ESAC through the use of...