Follow-up of the 2020 workshop on Provenance requirements
ESO Web and Programmatic interfaces, using: - ADQL - Aladin Lite - DataLink - HiPS - ObsCore - SAMP - SODA - SSA - STC-S (point, circle, polygon, multi-polygon) - TAP (DALI, VOSI, UWS, UCD, UTYPE, ...) - TOPCAT - VOTable - pyvo
In this contribution the requirements and current status of the integration efforts of high-energy neutrino data in the VO, and more widely, ESCAPE environment, is introduced from the perspective of KM3NeT. A special focus will be given to the requirement of providing probability estimates alongside the data to interpret these low-statistic data samples. If fitting, we can also provide an...
We explain what has been achieved this year at the ROB within WP4, Task 2.2 on 'implementing FAIR principles through VO'. Mapping of UCD to solar physics catalogs and FITS keywords is underway, and some extensions of UCD to solar physics are being discussed. We also investigated the interoperability between a solar image browser, JHelioviewer, and the TAP service at ESAC through the use of...
The presentation will focus on the most relevant aspects of the First science with interoperable data school held on-line on 2021 Feb 8-12, 19
We describe the use of Multi Order Coverage (MOC) maps as a practical way to manage complex regions of the sky for the planning of multi-messenger observations. Using the example of the low-latency gravitational-wave alerts, and a simulated observational campaign with three observatories, we show that the use of MOC maps allows a high level of interoperability to support observing schedule plans.
We have developed of prototype to deploy DaCHS instances, using docker and openstack, with git version control for server configuration, as well as for services configurations. The prototype was developed with support from EOSC-Hub, and has been tested and CC-IN2P3 and CESNET cloud-compute resources. We also explored the storage of dat and metadata in EUDAT. The framework can also be used...
I'll present an overview on different possible usages of the data models in the VO
Improve VO service validation statistics: I'd like to get together with willing participants (especially VO service operators/owners) to understand validation failures and maybe improve service compliance or validator behaviour. TAP especially, but also SCS, SIA, SSA - see e.g.
How we can use the OSSR metadata to register and deploy IVOA software.
How we could use the OSSR metadata to plan task execution in ESCAPE and the IVOA.