WP2 fortnightly meeting
NewsOrateurs: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
Milestones and deliverables review
- D2.2 ready: Assessment and analysis of the performance of the first pilot data lake (R)
- M2.4 (M24): Expanded prototype, more data centres including 3rd party centres, demonstrate integrated data management tools, verify RI data accessibility from compute platforms including commercial clouds
- Means of verification: Review of D2.2: Monitoring web site
- M2.5 (M30): Extension of the data lake to efficiently serve data to external compute resources providers
- Means of verification: Progress report; Monitoring web site
- M2.6 (M32): ISO 16363 certification process underway in core data centres
- Means of verification: Progress report; core data centres finished self-certification audit and ready to submit to external audit.
- Preparations for the WP2/WP5 joint workshop:
- Goal: work plan to prepare a common FDR/Data Challenge in a ~year from now.
- Preparations for RUCIO/ESFRIs "workshop"
- HPC collaboration CERN/GEANT/SKA/PRACE
Next meetings
I would like to have updates from participating institutes: status, plans (prototype phase), particular fields of interests, experiment links, etc. We could dedicate the next two meetings to this activity and to align it with the different task plans. I propose:
- (today) Wednesday 27 Jan 2021: RUG, IFAE, Nikhef, Astron, INFN
- Wednesday 10 Feb 2021: Surf-Sara, GSI, DESY, LAPP, IN2P3
- Wednesday 24 Feb 2021: CERN, SKAO
Updates from participating institutes
I would like to have updates from participating institutes: status, plans (prototype phase), particular fields of interests, experiment links, etc. We could dedicate the next two meetings to this activity and to align it with the different task plans. I propose:
Président de session: Xavier Espinal (CERN)-
(postponed for the next meeting) Surf/SARA
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ASTRONOrateurs: Vishambhar Nath Pandey (ASTRON), Yan Grange (ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
RUGOrateur: Maisam M. Dadkan (University of Groningen)
So far, we have followed a roadmap that we defined in collaboration with GSI-FAIR to facilitate the RUG-GSI data lake testbed.
The following progress has been made:
In connection with WP2:
- An internal RUG CIT plan for ESCAPE-RUG was created. This was required to include CIT work on Escape inside the current CIT project organization scheme which in term releases some internal CIT funds for the project.
- Provision of virtual machines (VMs) on the RUG CIT Openstack facility (Known as Merlin) was organized.
- The necessary infrastructure required for a FAIR Data Lake node at RUG was defined with GSI.
- The VMs to support the FAIR Data Lake have been created, but not yet handed over to GSI.
In overlap with WP5:
- One of the NUSTAR experiments (R3B) was chosen for our contribution to ESCAPE. It has a simulation engine and a Deep Neural Network algorithm for generating data and testing HPC and HTC infrastructure.
- The software package was containerized and a single user JupyterHub has been configured and successfully tested on a local machine. A Github Authentication was integrated, Also, integrating with ESCAPE-IAM is in progress.
- We got computational resources from our CIT cloud system at the end of 2020, therefore, we have started recently to configure and deploy a multi-user Jupyterhub service on our cloud server using the Kubernetes cluster (it is in progress).
- Integration with data management interface is in progress to connect RUG data center to GSI.
Our plan for this year:
- Accomplish the in-progress tasks that are mentioned above.
- Doing a data accessing test between RUG and GSI.
- Creating a multi-user Jupyterhub with data interfaces to both data lakes (the FAIR implementation and the CERN implementation) for both user groups R3B and CBM.
- Integrating our data analysis service into the ESAP.
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