Rosie Bolton
(Square Kilometre Array Organisation),
Xavier Espinal
- Last month(s)
- Joint workshop with PANOSC and EXPANDS: PaN ESCAPE Data Management Workshop (yesterday!) 12th January 2021:
- Preparations of D2.2 underway:
- Assessment and analysis of the performance of the first pilot data lake (R)
- ESCAPE WP2/DIOS workshop 9 and 10th of December.
- The workshop was devoted to analyze the Pilot Data Lake Full Dress Rehearsal exercise, there was a massive participation from the sciences: CTA, MAGIC, LOFAR, SKA, EGO/VIRGO, CMS, ATLAS, LSST, FAIR all of them running production or close-to-production workflows.
- 2021 priorities:
- Pilot data lake evolution to the prototype scale, allowing to scale-up ESFRIs workflows
- M2.4 (M24): Expanded prototype – more data centres including 3rd party centres, demonstrate integrated data management tools, verify RI data accessibility from compute platforms including commercial clouds
- Demonstrate data access from compute platforms (including commercial clouds), evaluating the possibility to include HPCs
- M2.5 (M30): Extension of the data lake to efficiently serve data to external compute resources providers
- Trustworthy digital repositories for long term archive (ISO16363 certification )
WP5/ESAP intensify collaboration focusing to prepare full workflows (planing a mini-workshop)
- M2.6 (M32): ISO 16363 certification process underway in core data centres
- Start preparing the WP2/WP5 joint workshop, work plan to prepare an FDR/Data Challenge in a ~year from now.
- 2021 Collaborations:
- European Projects: ARCHIVER, CS3MESH4EOSC, (EOSC-Future)
- Engagement with Fellow Cluster Projects: PANOSC /EXPAND
- Next meetings
- I would like to have updates from participating institutes: status, plans (prototype phase), particular fields of interests, experiment links, etc. We could dedicate the next two meetings to this activity and to align it with the different task plans. I propose:
- Wednesday 27 Jan 2021: Surf-Sara, RUG, IFAE, Nikhef, Astron, INFN
- Wednesday 10 Feb 2021: , GSI, DESY, LAPP, IN2P3, CERN, SKAO
- RUCIO "workshop" to be organised