Preparations for the analysis of the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 data of cosmic shear, clustering and CMB lensing
Cyrille Doux(University of Pennsylvania)
Cosmic shear is a powerful probe of growth and geometry in the Universe, and therefore of dark energy, yet its analysis is challenging and requires compelling robustness tests in light of cosmological tensions. In this talk I will present the Dark Energy Survey data from the first three years of observations (DES Y3) as well as the preparations for its ongoing cosmological analysis. In particular, I will describe the validation of the DES Y3 shear catalogue of over 100 million galaxy shapes and methodological improvements over Y1 on other key ingredients such as redshift distributions. I will then present the forthcoming 3x2pt (5x2pt) cosmological analysis of DES Y3 that will combine galaxy shapes and positions (and CMB lensing) and expected constraints on ΛCDM and beyond. I will finish with methodological developments of consistency tests (internal and external) pertaining to the increasing precision of data sets and complexity of models used in DES Y3.