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Minutes to the FG1 meeting 27/11/2020
present: Aard Keimpema (AK), Christian Tacke (CT), Cosimo Nigro (CN), Enriquie Garcia (EG), Gareth Hughes (GH), Harro Verkouter (HV), Jutta Schnabel (JS), Mark Kettenis (MK), Matthias Füßling (MF), Thomas Vuillaume (TV)
Are there use cases envisioned for multi-wavelength analyses? (MF)
(MK) GW events have been followed up fast radio bursts. Integrates at a later stage of data processing
So far no good use case seen where all data is analyzed n the same environment
ESAP can make the environment appear more integrated
(HV) Some tools can be integrated on different catalogs, to publish e.g. spectra, but derived data products not stored in catalog. These high-level products could then be shared
What are the plans to push which products to the OSSR? (JS)
(AK) Versioned archive of source code of the jupyter kernel, although there are gitlab and github instances
Docker containers can be published, Singularity containers
(MK) CASA releases in OSSR is strange, as JIVE is not leading developing party, but naturally CASA releases are in the containers.
i.e. easy access to the containers is crucial
Suggestion to include codemeta.json in the repository (EG)
Plans on the Singularity and Docker infrastructure? (HV)
Investigation on how to provide Singularity ongoing
Can use “docker save” to transfer docker images, similar to singularity (AK)
Metadata template used before, current status?
Will be presented next week at specific WP2 meeting (EG)
List of issues in this project. Related to FG1:
Include Jupyter notebooks in the OSSR
Any suggestions to WP5 to integrate the notebooks?
Classification of projects in the OSSR
Common collection of use cases
Started the “on-boarding” - anything beyond the current info that should go in there?
Most important are the “tech reports” (MK)
Suggestion for technical organization → to clarify with technical coordination group
Providing and accessing containers
Metadata location and content
next meeting on 2nd December -> join!