WP5 Monthly meeting 21 June 2021


Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

You are invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*

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    • 1
      1. Roll call
      • John Swinbank (ASTRON)
      • James Collinson (SKAO)
      • Aard Keimpema (JIVE)
      • Gareth Hughes (CTAO)
      • Harro Verkouter (JIVE)
      • Jose Luis Contreras (UCM)
      • Jutta Schnabel (FAU)
      • Killian Schwarz (FAIR)
      • Mathieu Servillat (CTAO)
      • Matthias Fuessling (CTAO)
      • Nico Vermass (ASTRON)
      • Pierre Chanial (EGO)
      • Raffaele Grosso (FAIR)
      • Susana Sánchez (CSIC)
      • Valentin Pestel (Nikhef)
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      2. Last meeting minutes

      Minutes of last meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
      Overview of meetings: https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/906/

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      3. Announcements, news and general updates

      Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
      Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.

      • a) ASTRON
        • Issue tracker: https://git.astron.nl/groups/astron-sdc/escape-wp5/-/issues
          • Bringing all ESAP issues and ongoing development into one place.
          • Please ask John for an account if you don't have one.
        • Wiki: https://git.astron.nl/groups/astron-sdc/escape-wp5/-/wikis/home
          • Centralizing WP5-relevant information.
          • Please feel free to edit and add new information.
          • Again, ask John for an account if you don't have one.
        • ESAP vision making good progress: https://git.astron.nl/groups/astron-sdc/escape-wp5/-/wikis/ESAP/ESAP-Vision
          • Comments welcome.
        • ESAP development (Nico):
          • User authentication, ShoppingBasket and IDA functionality has been added in to two ESAP apps (accounts and ida) with some overlapping functionality.
          • Next step is to make some implementation choices and integrate the functionality in the 2 apps. See:
          • https://git.astron.nl/astron-sdc/esap-api-gateway/-/wikis/ESAP-Shopping-Basket
        • WP2 interaction (Yan):
          • Working on KPIs for DAC21.
          • ESFRIs are concetely thinking about what tests they want to conduct.
          • Meeting every other week at 11; ping Yan if you want to be there.
      • b) CERN
      • c) CNRS-LAPP
      • d) CSIC

        We attended the meeting organised by the WG3, on how to harvest and retrieve entries from the OSSR. We have some pending actions from this meeting as for example to migrate our github repository to zenodo.

      • e) CTAO

        Use cases in the redmine:

        Met with people who volunteered for WMS topics after the WP2-5 meeting (Ghita, Marcelo Vilaça, Andrei T)
        We met with CTA-DIRAC people. 



      • f) EGO
      • g) FAIR

        Work on integrating the CBM use case into the ESAP platform, in close collaboration with RUG and R3B.

        Current state: working environment via Jupyter Notebooks including Data Lake integration

        To do: to be incorporated into multi user Jupyter Hub of RUG. The latter needs to be integrated into ESAP.



      • h) FAU

        WP3 coordination
        Note the following updates:

        • general WP3+5 meeting (23/04):
          • use project platform to track common initiatives - WP5 integration?
        • Discussion on metadata (07/05, indico) - update on the HCG-16-project recorded in ESAP gitlab issue
        • Introduction on how to harvest metadata from the OSSR (26/05): https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/24341/
      • i) IFAE
      • j) INAF
      • k) JIVE

        The EVN jupyterhub had permission problems setting up a new user; more specifically, the login would be accepted but permission problems prevented the newly added user running a Jupytercasa kernel. This is now fixed. The hub is now reachable through the standard port (was 8000) over https - making the true URL: https://jupyterhub.jive.eu

        The Jupyterlab plugin to download data from the EVN archive is in progress; it's mostly learning curve as it's first time working with Javascript+ReactJS.

      • l) KIS
      • m) Nikhef
      • n) RUG
      • o) SKAO
      • p) UCM

        Little advance, as there is no full-time person devoted to ESCAPE right now
        Completing the hiring of a postdoc for ESAPE to cover the now empty position. 
        Working on our use cases for ESAP.

      • q) UEDIN
    • 4
      4. ESAP Managed DB

      Pierre Chanial will give an overview of his proposal for a managed database service.

      Orateur: Pierre Chanial (European Gravitational Observatory)

      Harro: Is the idea to do a cross match?

      Pierre: Yes.

      James: Are there two sources of truth? Would you have to update the database when you add a new resource?

      Pierre: That isn't the plan. The source of truth would be in Rucio. Some work would need to be done to make this happen.

      James: So Rucio would be one source you can query, and this would be a separate source.

      Pierre: Yes.

      Nico: I saw a lot of details about names of questions, names of databases — does the user have to know all that, or does it come from some kind of configuration?

      Pierre: There will have to be some standardization at some point. There are APIs to list the project, and then the datasets, and then the tables. It would be convenient to browse them.

      Nico: Trying to understand if it requires changes to the ESAP backend.

      Pierre: So far, it queries the backend for the ESFRI connector; this doesn't change. Other connectors would require more work.

      (Discussion of VO integration)

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      5. Plans for upcoming milestones and deliverables

      MS31 (Second WP5 workshop to analyze prototype performance) and D5.3 (Performance assessment of initial Science Platform prototype) become due in July.

      Beyond those descriptions, there is no prescription as to what these actually have to consist of. We should therefore make a plan for activities that enable us to meet these goals while extracting maximum value for the work package.

      Initial proposal:

      • Workshop takes place at an extended monthly meeting on 19 July.
      • Material consists of a few presentations (the ESAP vision, current implementation status, demo of existing capabilities, work in progress on the “shopping basket“ and IDA).
      • Attendees are given access to a demo system.
      • Attendees are asked to complete a questionnaire describing their experiences.

      Thoughts? Refined proposals?

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      8. Emergent issues
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      9. Upcoming meetings

      IDA activities continue every Monday at 16:00 CEST.

      Next monthly meeting due Monday 19 July; see comments above re workshop.

      Other events?