WP5 Monthly meeting 15 March 2021


Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

You are invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:

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Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*

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      1. Roll call


      ASTRON: John Swinbank, Nico Vermaas

      CERN: -


      CSIC: Susana Sanchez

      CTAO: Gareth Hughes

      EGO: -


      FAU: Jutta Schnabel

      IFAE: -

      INAF: -


      KIS: -


      RUG: Maisam Dadkan

      SKAO: Rosie Bolton

      UCM: -

      UEDIN: Stelios Voutsinas

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      2. Last meeting minutes

      Minutes of last meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
      Overview of meetings: https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/906/

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      3. Announcements, news and general updates

      Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
      Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.

      • a) ASTRON

        Staffing and planning

        • Zheng will unfortunately be on leave for the foreseeable future. While we previously expected her back at work in March, we do not now have a date on which she will be able to return.
        • This is a significant challenge to the work package: to date, we have relied on Zheng for technical leadership and on contributing a substantial fraction of the development effort at ASTRON. Our ESAP workshop, scheduled for February 2021, was delayed pending her availability, and this has knock-on effects for deliverables which are due to the EC project office (D5.3 was due today).
        • Mitigation planning:
          • Over the next few days, John will reach out to representatives from all of the various institutional partners. Aim to check in and understand in more detail what that institution is working on and what support it needs. At the same time, looking to identify resources which are available to contribute directly to the core ESAP development effort.
          • Suggestions for an interim Technical Lead are welcome: please contact John either in this meeting or out-of-band.
          • Aim to convene some focused technical meetings to coordinate on a core ESAP delivery plan with interested folks from the various partners. Details will be forthcoming.

        Technical work

        • Nothing new to report from ASTRON.


        • WP2+WP5 workshop arranged for 6 & 7 April. Organized by Yan Grange. Details will be forthcoming.
        • WP3+WP5 meeting took place on 5 March. Organized by Jutta Schnabel. Thanks to everybody who participated; very useful discusison.
          • Please note issues arising from this meeting at https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/escape2020/wp3-wp5-common-issues/-/issues
          • There are some outstanding technical questions here. I hope that we can develop answers through the core ESAP delivery group, as described above. If you have opinions, please make them known in that GitLab project.
      • b) CERN
      • c) CNRS-LAPP
        • Rubin Science Platform with our own configuration :

          • connection with our own LSST Github credentials

          • local datasets from Subaru-HSC

          • DNS issues

      • d) CSIC
        In the last month we have attending some meetings with WP3. In particular we present our use case in on of the workshop organised by WP3 for onboarding use cases.
        In this meeting we discuss the needs/ the requirements from ESAP platform for  the metadata provided by the software catalogue in WP3. We also participate on a WP3+WP5 where we also discussed about this, and we will be following this subject and see how can we contribute. We will be also presenting this use case in the WP2+WP5 meeting.
        In addition, we deploy a JupyterHub instance that use the IAM service for authentication and authorization. Our intention is to contribute to the development of a kind of a federated Jupyter hub service, integrating our own  JupyterHub instance in this federation.
      • e) CTAO

        DIRAC FG:
        New version of DIRAC promised soon, potentially a server to test against. 
        New ESAP branch to work on DIRAC API integration / use case testing
        Plan to organise a meeting sometime next week(s). 

      • f) EGO
      • g) FAIR

        Jupyter Hub Docker Spawner into CbmRoot-Notebook container

        Work in collaboration with RUG well ongoing (Evgeny and Maisam in particular).

      • h) FAU

        WP3+WP5 coordination

        New ideas on further use cases: innovative (i.e. machine/deep learning workflows) workflows workshop (IWAPP) last week, recordings and discussions at indico: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/20424/

      • i) IFAE
      • j) INAF
      • k) JIVE

        The JupyterLab environment for the European VLBI Network (EVN) is now online at https://jupyterhub.jive.eu:8000, and should be accessible using ESCAPE IAM credentials.

        The JupyterLab plugin for querying and downloading EVN data to your notebook environment is shaping up but javascript is a ****.

      • l) KIS
      • m) Nikhef
      • n) RUG

        There are not specific tech updates.

        • We were working mainly on the documentation of what we did till last month.
        • Configuring and integrating two data lake versions (CERN & GSI) with our JupyterHub is in progress.


      • o) SKAO
        • Recently we’ve been exploring Aladin, which is a tool to enable hierarchical visualisation of large surveys and data sets. We hit some limitations with Aladin so we will next explore CARTA which is a more up to date software package to achieve similar goals. Initially we want to try serving large simulated data sets from the cloud using a CARTA server.
        • We plan to deploy a development instance of the ESAP prototype. This will help us refine our understanding of the platform itself, but we hope to be able to feed back to this group on that process. We also intend to use this as an enabler for planning future features, which could be within ESAP or perhaps to using elements from it. 
      • p) UCM
      • q) UEDIN

        Most of our effort was concetrated around the focus months, so there any major updates over the last couple months. We have mostly been spending the effort available in coordination meetings within WP5 and with WP3 with a plan on coordinating how the OSSR will work with the ESAP platform. We have been looking through documentation that WP3 have provided to understand what is available and what would be required for ESAP to interact with the Software Repository. It looks as if the entry point to start with may be a Zenodo REST API, and potentially software will be described with the Codemeta schema, so we are planning on experimenting with building some prototype services within ESAP that can consume these, over the next couple of weeks.

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      7. WP5 Tech meetings Topics

      Thanks to Yan for a great talk on Traefik!

      No more tech talks scheduled until 7 June, which is sad. But YOU can fix that! Sign up at https://doodle.com/poll/gmhadd32amiv76w4.

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      8. Round table

      Nothing to add.

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      9. Next meeting - Monday 19 April 11:00 CEST

      Next tech talk currently scheduled for 7 June. You can fix that! Sign up here: https://doodle.com/poll/gmhadd32amiv76w4