WP5 Monthly meeting 16 November 2020


Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

You are invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*

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      1. Roll call

      ASTRON: Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Michiel van Haarlem


      CNRS-LAPP: Marie Parturel, Dominique Boutigny

      CSIC: Susana Sanchez

      CTAO: Gareth Hughes

      EGO: Pierre Chanial

      FAIR: Raffaele Grosso

      FAU: Jutta Schnabel

      IFAE: Jordi Delgado

      INAF: Sara Bertocco, Stefano Alberto Russo

      JIVE: Harro Verkouter


      Nikhef: Valentin Pestel

      RUG: Maisam M. Dadkan




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      2. Last meeting minutes

      Minutes of last meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
      Overview of meetings: https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/906/

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      3. Announcements, news and general updates

      Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
      Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.

      • a) ASTRON

        * Organised WP5 Progress Meeting on 26-27 October

        * Lots of partners presented their work during the meeting, 45 registrations, on average 30 people online through our the whole meeting.

        * Submitted M5.3 Initial science platform with data discovery and staging

        * Follow-up meetings:

        - WP3 + WP5 call on 20 Nov

        - AAI workshop on 25-26 Nov

        - 27 Nov ESCAPE Mid-term review

      • b) CERN
      • c) CNRS-LAPP

        Rubin Science Platform deployed on Dominique's computer
        Deployment on proxmox machines at LAPP almost completed

      • d) CSIC
      • e) CTAO

        DIRAC Focus Group:
        Presentation(s) in the Focus progress meeting. Planning a followup meeting this/next week. 
        Collected a set of use cases from CTA and other experiments on the use of a work load management system.
        Progressing with the WP3+5 cross-over meetings, with the aim of providing CORSIKA containers on the ESAP

      • f) EGO

        Work on the Data lake injection Dress Rehearsal.

        • Real time mock Virgo public data uploader from EGO to a data lake RSE
        • Real time downloader from the data lake RSE to CNAF.

        Setting up of the Wavefier application on CNAF k8s cluster.


      • g) FAIR
      • h) FAU

        WP3 Coordination

        Providing Jupyter workflows & access

      • i) IFAE

        Presented the recent updates in the Progress Meeting. Currently working on:

        • Implementation of the web interface for Cone Search Data Selection
        • Testing Rucio Client to stage data from the datalake
        • Design the parallel execution of the Source Spectra use case using Spark
      • j) INAF
      • k) JIVE
      • l) KIS
      • m) Nikhef
      • n) RUG

        We got the required resources (mainly computational and data storage hardware) at the RUG IT center to deploy our software and data. The configurations and set up of the server is underway. We are also working on configuring a JupyterHub service to satisfy our needs.

      • o) SKAO
      • p) UCM
      • q) UEDIN
      • r) OU
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      4. M5.4 Deployment of initial set of ESFRI software WP5 on prototype platform
      • Identify the initial set of ESFRI software
      • Integrate into current JupyterHub testbed
      • Participate in Interactive Data Analysis working group
      • Please add the URL of your JupyterHub, kernel, notebook at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yKSqiUovC8he1zp7L46MWbKWpuxw7OGK0ijYXfKhJ5s/edit?usp=sharing for integration in ESAP.
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      5. Second WP5 workshop to analyse prototype platform

      Date: 15 February 2021
      1-day workshop
      All ESFRIs and ESCAPE partners are invited

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      6. Round table
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      7. Next meeting - Monday Jan 18 11:00 CET