29 novembre 2020 à 5 décembre 2020
Village La Fayette - La Rochelle
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon magnetic anomaly from lattice QCD

29 nov. 2020, 22:00
Village La Fayette - La Rochelle

Village La Fayette - La Rochelle

Avenue de Bourgogne, 17041 La Rochelle, France http://www.seminaire-conference-la-rochelle.org https://goo.gl/maps/c2X8hqd9maRShkCm8 The centre is located at about 5 km from the La Rochelle train station (Gare de La Rochelle) and at about 5 km from the La Rochelle airport (Aéroport de La Rochelle-Ile de Ré). The organization will provide a shuttle transportation from both the train station and the airport to the site in the evening of the first day, and from the site to the train station and the airport in the morning of the last day.


Letizia Parato (Aix-Marseille Université)


Anomalous magnetic moments have guided the evolution of quantum field theory ever since its earliest stages, serving both as a stringent test of the theory at increasingly higher levels of precision and as a possible window to new physics. After decades of perfect agreement, the measured muon magnetic moment (which is known to a precision of about 0.5 parts per million both from theory and experiment) now deviates from the theoretical expectation by around 3.5σ. In order to accentuate or resolve this discrepancy, an experiment at Fermilab is currently underway and is aiming to improve the precision of the measurement to 0.14 ppm. But the theoretical calculation has to be improved as well. The largest source of error are low energy hadronic contributions, that can be evaluated either via a phenomenological approach or ab initio, directly from the standard model Lagrangian, using lattice QCD. In this talk we will see how lattice QCD can be used to compute the leading hadronic contribution to the muon magnetic moment: the one induced by hadronic vacuum polarization.

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