29 novembre 2020 à 5 décembre 2020
Village La Fayette - La Rochelle
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Étude des corrélations neutron-neutron dans le noyau de 12Be

2 déc. 2020, 16:00
Village La Fayette - La Rochelle

Village La Fayette - La Rochelle

Avenue de Bourgogne, 17041 La Rochelle, France http://www.seminaire-conference-la-rochelle.org https://goo.gl/maps/c2X8hqd9maRShkCm8 The centre is located at about 5 km from the La Rochelle train station (Gare de La Rochelle) and at about 5 km from the La Rochelle airport (Aéroport de La Rochelle-Ile de Ré). The organization will provide a shuttle transportation from both the train station and the airport to the site in the evening of the first day, and from the site to the train station and the airport in the morning of the last day.




The very interesting nucleus of 12Be is studied using the proton knock-out reaction on 13B at GSI. This reaction populates both bound and unbound states in 12Be. The experimental set-up is a combined detection of gamma, neutron and charged fragments with good efficiencies.

The inverse kinematics method was used to reconstruct the decay energy and we can study decay modes of the states in 12Be. Moreover, some of the states are above the 2n emission threshold and are then pair emitters. neutron-neutron correlation are investigated using the method of Dalitz plots.

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