WP5 Monthly meeting 21 September


Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

You are invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*

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      1. Roll call

      ASTRON: Zheng Meyer, Michiel van Haarlem

      CERN: Rizart Dona, Riccardo Di Maria

      CNRS: Dominique Boutigny, Marie Paturel

      CSIC: Susana Sanchez, Jose Ramon Rodon

      CTAO: Matthias Fuessling, Gareth Hughes

      EGO: Pierre Chanial

      FAIR: Raffaele Grosso



      IFAE: Jordi Delgado

      JIVE: Harro Verkouter, Mark Kettenis


      Nikhef: Valentin Pestel

      OU: Hugh Dickinson


      SKAO: Rosie Bolten

      UCM: Daniel Nieto


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      2. Last meeting minutes

      Minutes of last meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
      Overview of meetings: https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/906/

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      3. Announcements, news and general updates

      Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
      Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.

      If you are unable to add the information please send it to meyer@astron.nl. We will then add it for you.

      Overview Milestones

      • 31-Jul-20: MS29 Initial science platform prototype with discovery and data staging
      • 30-Sep-20: MS30 Deployment of initial set of ESFRI software on prototype platform
      • 30-Nov-20: MS31 Second WP5 workshop to analyse prototype performance

      Overview Deliverables

      • 31-Jan-2021: D5.3 Performance assessment of initial Science Platform prototype
      • 31-Jul-2022:  D5.4 Final assessment of the performance of the Science Platform prototype and plan for deployment of production version within the EOSC.



      • a) ASTRON

        * Extension request is under negotiation

        * Midterm report is submitted, input from partners are put into the report

        * Organising WP5 Focus Months

        * Leading the ESAP UI & VO working group and Rucio working group

        * Developing ESAP prototype frontend and backend

        * Implemented VO integration using UKIDSS use case for TAP service

        * Documentations on ESAP prototype

      • b) CERN

        CERN WP5 contribution has resulted in the JupyterLab-Rucio integration.

      • c) CNRS-LAPP
        • Newcomer: Marie Paturel on a 2 year contract at CNRS-LAPP
        • Start deploying the LSST Science Platform 
      • d) CSIC
        We participate in ESAP UI & IVOA. In particular, we are integrating services for accessing simulated data ( asteroseismology) and exploring how SAMP can be used to connect ESAP with the VO ecosystem.
        We also participate in IDA WG since we are interested in deploying a JupyterHub service on the IAA SRC prototype. 
      • e) CTAO

        Leading DIRAC FG for the Focus month.
        Still working on scope, design and functionality.

        Several meeting with meetings/tech discussions with DIRAC experts.

        This has lead to a connection between WP3 who are using DIRAC to run CORSIKA containers.
        They might be able to offer this as a service to WP5.

      • f) EGO
        • On-going work to run the ESCAPE test science case for MMA at CNAF data center with GW, then using GW data from the datalake.
      • g) FAIR

        Docker stack integrating FAIR experiment software (CbmRoot) and Jupyter upgraded, using now docker compose. The Jupyterlab image contains the necessary code to download from our datalake instance some raw data, run simple analysis with visualization on them, and upload the results back to the datalake.

        Work ongoing to finalize the integration with the Rucio datalake and to progress with the software licence in order to integrate this activity with WP3 software repositories.

      • h) FAU
      • i) IFAE

        Ingested data on the Hadoop database (HIVE) from Gamma-rays projects like MAGIC and public data coming from HESS can be selected and explored from the GammaHub prototype. Pending to include other data coming from CTA or maybe FERMI.

        New progress on the interface of the Crab Spectrum notebook using Hive DB to select data, and produce quick Data Products, like skymaps, spectrums...

        The idea is to interface HIVE to perform massive data selection inside a Pythton notebook, in order to find the observations and the associated events to perform a quick analysis.

        This interface requires cone search calculations to perform the selection in terms of distance in the sky. This cone search works, observations are selected quickly and for the moment are passed to gammapy to produce the quick analysis.

        The same interface will be useful for the third functionality of our project, which is related to more complex analysis.

      • j) INAF
      • k) JIVE

        Since the last meeting CASA6.1 was released and JIVE is now working to update the CASA-Jupyter image to work with that release. More calibration-data-attachment scripts have been added (done in WP3). Attempting to create a Jupyterhub GUI for downloading data into the container, but that is proving difficult under the limited Jupyterhub API.

      • l) KIS
      • m) Nikhef
      • n) RUG
      • o) SKAO

        SKA has been looking at interfacing to the JupyterHUb API to see if available resources can be "advertised" to ESAP users. This is actually tricky - good collaboration with Stelios Voutsinas (UEdin) to progress technical work.

      • p) UCM

        * Following up UI & IVOA working group.
        * Considering alternative use cases to integrate CTA higher level data access and analysis into ESAP (UCM internal discussion).

      • q) UEDIN
      • r) OU
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      4. Focus Months updates

      * 5 Working groups

      * weekly meeting updates: ESAP UI * IVOA working group, IDA working group

      * bi-weekly meeting updates: Rucio working group

      * DIRAC working group: in close collaboration with WP3

      * Planning integration on Rosetta (INAF)

      * Implemented query for VO and non-VO use cases within ESAP frontend and backend

      * Examples are VO integration, Zooniverse integration, and ASTRON data explorer integration

      * OU will present Zooniverse integration results this afternoon at the Tech Talk

      * Plan to reach Milestone 5.3 (October), 5.4 (October)

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      5. WP5 Progress Meeting via Zoom 26-28 October

      Call for participants and presentations
      * Presentations from each working group
      * Discussion and future work sessions

      * Indico event page will be available soon

      * Please register for the event

      * If you have workflows, JupyterNotebook Environment available, please send it to Rohini Joshi (SKAO) to add it into the JupyterHub instance.

      * Each working group will give an update during the progress meeting.

      * Encourage WP5 partners and ESFRIs to participate in ESAP performance evaluation after the progress meeting to prepare for M5.5 (Performance Evaluation workshop). We hope to be able to organise the workshop F2F in the beginning of next year.

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      6. WP5 Tech meetings Topics

      Please fill in the Doodle:



      21 Sep: OU

      5 Oct: Looking for contribution

      19 Oct: KM3Net

      2 Nov: UEDIN

      16 Nov: IFAE

      30 Nov: CSIC


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      7. Round table
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      8. Next meeting - Monday 19 October 11:00 CEST

      At 4PM there will be a Tech Talk more info about the topics: