Weekly Datalake DepOps meeting

Bolton Rosie (SKA)

Weekly meeting to discuss progress on EDLK JIRA issues: https://jira.skatelescope.org/issues/?filter=15115

Zoom room: https://skatelescope.zoom.us/j/97713259777?pwd=Q2EwSWZ3NkRaazFRSy9YT3Y5UmdJZz09

    • 15:00 15:30
      Review of JIRA tickets and issues: https://jira.skatelescope.org/issues/?filter=15911 30m

      Review of JIRA tickets and issues: https://jira.skatelescope.org/issues/?filter=15911
      Please all review you tickets and update their status

      Special attention today to:
      Paul Kramp: GSI-Root update (https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/EDLK-99)
      Cloud upload to EULAKE1 Rohini, Paul Millar (https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/EDLK-96)
      General perfSONAR health - status of issues at PIC, GSI, SurfSARA (https://jira.skatelescope.org/issues/?filter=16113 )

      Rohini: Million file test update

      Wiki table: https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP2_-_DIOS - minimum free space showing. Any inode limits for sites others than CNAF-STORM?

      DepOps meeting is today at 1500 CET. I've updated the agenda in indico - I will try to do this in future too. Here's a copy: Review of JIRA tickets and issues: https://jira.skatelescope.org/issues/?filter=15911
      Please all review you tickets and update their status

      Special attention today to:
      pkramp Paul Kramp: GSI-Root update (https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/EDLK-99)
      Cloud upload to EULAKE1 rjoshi Rohini, paul Paul Millar (https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/EDLK-96)
      General perfSONAR health - status of issues at gmerino PIC, pkramp GSI, atverko SurfSARA (https://jira.skatelescope.org/issues/?filter=16113 )

      rjoshi Rohini: Million file test update

      Wiki table: https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP2_-_DIOS - minimum free space showing. Any inode limits for sites others than CNAF-STORM?