Réunion Plateforme de Calcul




Réunion pour les discussion sur le projet Plateforme de Calcul CPPM

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This is the first meeting of the project Plateforme de Calcul. It opens a series of regular biweekly meetings taking place on Wednesdays at 10am. The meetings will be devoted to discussions on the following topics:

- CPPM T2 grid site

- CPPM Cloud

- GPU farm


- Other resources of common interest (DEC, serveurs d'équipes, etc)


Grid T2 Site:

Running at ARC 6 version of Computing Element. Need for changing the local disk (to be ordered) followed by updating the ARC6 software. The new ARGUS software is to be installed. Now 2 ARC CEs are operational. CREAM CEs are discontinued.

Cloud CPPM:

All machines are updated from Rocky to Stein. This general update should add support for containers (Kubernetes), improve networking.

Nicolas Ferré suggested to consider the possible deployment of the project similar to the JupyterCloud at LAL: https://jupytercloud.lal.in2p3.fr. This is to be further discussed and evaluate. Julien will make a review of this service.

GPU Farm:

The V100 server is used by 3-4 persons. Dominique asked for access to try it out also. For the 2080 Ti servers - still waiting for the cables and the last card to arrive. Adrian is following the purchases.

Serveurs d'équipes:

Andrei created a VM "marlhcb6" for the LHCb group: installed CVMFS, mounted disk partitions from marlhcb5 by SSHFS. The server is being evaluated by the LHCb group for feasibility with the real analysis applications.


Next meeting: 17th June, 10am


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