WP5 monthly meeting 25 May 2020


Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

You have been invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 799 943 1526

Meeting Password: Will be provided via email.

One tap mobile
+31207947345,,7999431526# Netherlands
+31202410288,,7999431526# Netherlands


For the prototype platform (code base) go to
Back end: https://git.astron.nl/vermaas/esap-gateway
ESAP GUI: https://git.astron.nl/vermaas/adex-gui


DRAFT ● 1. Roll call

ASTRON: Michiel van Haarlem, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Christine Werkhoven, Yan Grange

CERN: Rizart Dona


CSIC: Susana Sanchez


EGO: Pierre Chanial

FAIR: Raffaele Grosso

FAU: Jutta Schnabel

INAF: Stefano Alberto Russo


JIVE: Harro Verkouter

KIS: -


OU: -

RUG: Maisam Mohammadi-Dadkan


UCM: Daniel Neto, Jose Luis

UEDIN: Stelios Voutsinas

● 2. Last meeting minutes

Overview Milestones

  • 31-Jul-20: Initial science platform prototype with discovery and data staging
  • 30-Sep-20: Deployment of initial set of ESFRI software on prototype platform
  • 30-Nov-20: Second WP5 workshop to analyse prototype performance

Overview Deliverables

  • 31-Jan-2021:Performance assessment of initial Science Platform prototype
  • 31-Jul-2022:  Final assessment of the performance of the Science Platform prototype and plan for deployment of production version within the EOSC.


  • Nico is working together with Stelios (UEDIN) on VO registry integration.
  • Zheng is implementing ESCAPE IAM AAI integration into ESAP.
  • Learning how Rucio API works.



WP3 interlink

  • online workshop for share of common software practices planned in June/July
  • started discussion on practices for licenses (CTA/ASTRON/KM3NeT) and in focus group on implementation of the repository
  • discussion on standard setting for software metadata and format descriptions


We've been continuing our experiments with Jupyterhub on kubernetes, and looking into:
  a) how we deploy custom Docker images with VO tools and libraries on a JHub,
  b) how to authenticate users with OAuth, with a plan of looking into how we achieve this with IAM and other auth options  
  c) how we create a dynamically scaling cluster.
  d) how to connect to and run processing jobs on Parallel Computing clusters like Dask & Spark

We've also started working on the ESAP prototype, and have cloned the repo and began adding functionality to allow VO keyword searches for finding datasets.


● 4. First WP5 Busy Week June 2020

Date will be confirmed this week and meeting will be end of June/Start of July
Zheng will contact the participants and propose the format for the week.


● 5. Second WP5 Busy Week - Virtually

It is not clear when we are allowed to travel. To prevent delays we will have the meetings and workshops planned for 2020 virtually, probably via Zoom.

We decided to plan this meeting 14-18 Sept so we have an additional week to work on the platform.

This meeting will be an extensive test of the prototype platform.

Michiel/Zheng will propose a format for the meeting, including possibility to have breakout rooms and having parallel sessions. 

We will need to know which developers need to be present and will present.


● 6. Second WP5 workshop to analyze prototype performance & F2F meeting : 26-30 October @ Virtal meeting

Michiel/Zheng will propose a format for the meeting, including possibility to have breakout rooms and having parallel sessions.

● 7. WP5 Tech meetings Topics

25 May: Jordi Delgado (IFAE)
8 June: Stelios Voutsinas (UEDIN)
22 June: Stefano A. Russo (INAF)
6 July: Marek Szuba (GSI / FAIR)
20 July: Zheng Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON)



CSIC: will schedule a tech talk when prototype is ready












● 8. Round table

We need to schedule the meetings after 22 june. Is everyone available every third Monday of the month at 11 AM? With the exception of public holidays, we will then shift it a week.

Everyone: Yes

● 9. Next meeting - Monday 22 June 11:00 CEST

Connection details for the Tech Talk:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 799 943 1526
Password: ESAP2020


Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 1
      1. Roll call

      ASTRON: Michiel van Haarlem, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Christine Werkhoven, Yan Grange

      CERN: Rizart Dona

      CNRS: -

      CSIC: Susana Sanchez

      CTAO: -

      EGO: Pierre Chanial

      FAIR: Raffaele Grosso

      FAU: Jutta Schnabel

      INAF: Stefano Alberto Russo

      IFAE: -

      JIVE: Harro Verkouter

      KIS: -


      OU: -

      RUG: Maisam Mohammadi-Dadkan

      SKAO: -

      UCM: Daniel Neto, Jose Luis

      UEDIN: Stelios Voutsinas

    • 2
      2. Last meeting minutes

      Minutes of last meeting can be found at

      Overview Milestones

      • 31-Jul-20: Initial science platform prototype with discovery and data staging
      • 30-Sep-20: Deployment of initial set of ESFRI software on prototype platform
      • 30-Nov-20: Second WP5 workshop to analyse prototype performance

      Overview Deliverables

      • 31-Jan-2021:Performance assessment of initial Science Platform prototype
      • 31-Jul-2022:  Final assessment of the performance of the Science Platform prototype and plan for deployment of production version within the EOSC.
    • 3
      3. Announcements, news and general updates

      Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
      Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.

      If you are unable to add the information please send it to werkhoven@astron.nl. We will then add it for you.

      Dates for meeting after July 6.

      • a) ASTRON
        • Nico is working together with Stelios (UEDIN) on VO registry integration.
        • Zheng is implementing ESCAPE IAM AAI integration into ESAP.
        • Learning how Rucio API works.
      • b) CERN
      • c) CNRS-LAPP
      • d) CSIC
        After attending April Tech Talk about the ESAP we have had some internal discussion on how we could use this platform to implement our use case (based on VLA data). We have been studying the documentation in the wiki to do this, but it could be better if we can access to the platform when will be available in order to play with it.
        In the near future, we would like to deploy the platform on the cluster of the SRC prototype at IAA-CSIC. In the last month we have been mostly working on the set-up of this cluster.
      • e) CTAO
      • f) EGO
      • g) FAIR

        Evgeny has integrated CbmRoot and Jupyterhub in a container. The next steps are letting it load data from the DataLake instead of from local file system. Letting it find the CbmRoot software on the WP3 portal is planned but not clear when it will be possible because for the software to be there it needs to be licensed before.

      • h) FAU

        WP3 interlink

        • online workshop for share of common software practices planned in June/July
        • started discussion on practices for licenses (CTA/ASTRON/KM3NeT) and in focus group on implementation of the repository
        • discussion on standard setting for software metadata and format descriptions
      • i) IFAE
      • j) INAF
      • k) JIVE
      • l) KIS
      • m) Nikhef
      • n) RUG
      • o) SKAO
      • p) UCM
        * Focusing on WP3 so far this year.
        * Beefing up use cases for CTA data access through ESAP, folding in potential analysis scenarios to be run at the ESAP as well.
        * Coordination with CTAC and CTAO in regards to previous point ongoing.
      • q) UEDIN

        We've been continuing our experiments with Jupyterhub on kubernetes, and looking into:
          a) how we deploy custom Docker images with VO tools and libraries on a JHub,
          b) how to authenticate users with OAuth, with a plan of looking into how we achieve this with IAM and other auth options  
          c) how we create a dynamically scaling cluster.
          d) how to connect to and run processing jobs on Parallel Computing clusters like Dask & Spark

        We've also started working on the ESAP prototype, and have cloned the repo and began adding functionality to allow VO keyword searches for finding datasets.


    • 4
      4. First WP5 Busy Week June 2020

      Confirm date
      Update AAI integration into ESAP
      Set-up for busy week in June

      Date will be confirmed this week and meeting will be end of June/Start of July
      Zheng will contact the participants and propose the format for the week.


    • 5
      5. Second WP5 Busy Week - Virtually

      Discuss set-up of this week.
      Confirm date.

      September 7-11 or Sept 14-18 seems best

      Options for location: CERN, DESY (Zeuthen, DE), INAF, UEDIN

      It is not clear when we are allowed to travel. To prevent delays we will have the meetings and workshops planned for 2020 virtually, probably via Zoom.

      We decided to plan this meeting 14-18 Sept so we have an additional week to work on the platform.

      This meeting will be an extensive test of the prototype platform.

      Michiel/Zheng will propose a format for the meeting, including possibility to have breakout rooms and having parallel sessions. 

      We will need to know which developers need to be present and will present.


    • 6
      6. Second WP5 workshop to analyze prototype performance & F2F meeting : 26-30 October @ Virtal meeting

      Michiel/Zheng will propose a format for the meeting, including possibility to have breakout rooms and having parallel sessions.

    • 7
      7. WP5 Tech meetings Topics

      Please select when you would like to give a Tech talk regarding your ESCAPE work and how you think it can be integrated into ESAP: https://doodle.com/poll/abasufgt43risba2

      25 May: Jordi Delgado (IFAE)
      8 June: Stelios Voutsinas (UEDIN)
      22 June: Stefano A. Russo (INAF)
      6 July: Marek Szuba (GSI / FAIR)
      20 July: Zheng Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON)



      CSIC: will schedule a tech talk when prototype is ready












    • 8
      8. Round table

      We need to schedule the meetings after 22 june. Is everyone available every third Monday of the month at 11 AM? With the exception of public holidays, we will then shift it a week.

      Everyone: Yes

    • 9
      9. Next meeting - Monday 22 June 11:00 CEST

      Connection details for the Tech Talk:
      Join Zoom Meeting

      Meeting ID: 799 943 1526