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(minutes here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-km9eqruF1u0947SRMYnAjx5HYYd47A8BywrjR9Rso/edit# please contribute / update your words!)
Please chime in in case you have something to report:
- Experiments: HL-LHC, FAIR, KM3Net, SKA, CTA
25/03 Today Yan: Provide an update at the 6th May WP2 meeting on where we are on the LOFAR data injection, distribution and processing
8/04 Next week Ghita and Paul Musset: Update on XCache project@IN2P3 at the WP2 meeting on the 20th of May (tbc)
8/04 TBD Agustin/Gonzalo: Agreed to have an update on the “gamma-ray data lake injector”
from PIC around June
8/04 TBD Aris: Metadata and Storage Reporting
25/03 TBD(?) Andrea: link WLCG JWT profile profile to WP2 WG wiki page
8/04 Done Riccardo: Start a thread for interest on the XCache initiative. Evaluate the idea of having a dedicated meeting on content delivery and caching activities among all interested people and sites. This will be summarised afterwards in the WP2 fortnightly meeting.
8/04 Done Rizart to start a thread, tasks leaders to provide input to Rizard for the monitoring.
25/03 Done Aleem/Paul: Update at the 22th April WP2 meeting on status and QoS endpoints, some of them in the process of being deployed.
25/03 Done Andrea: send announcement of AAI webinar to technical WPs lists
25/03 Done Xavi: put Andrea in touch with WP6 people to disseminate AAI webinar
25/03 Done Diego: link wiki pages shown in the talk to the WP2 WG wiki page
25/03: Done PIC(Gonzalo/Agustin): gamma-ray experiment testbed to explore the deployment of RUCIO non-deterministic RSE for data injection to the datalake (deterministic RSE). This action is along the lines of what Martin proposed as a solution for data injection from the experiment halls, already in use by other communities.
8/04 Done Rizart and Andrea Ceccanti: Understand IAM as authenticating mechanism for the