I will present the activity of the ENGRAVE collaboration during the LV O3 run, the science case for the gap between the O3 and O4 runs and the perspectives on the organization of the collaboration for the O4 run.
Next generation experiments such as the Vera Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will provide an unprecedented volume of time-domain data opening a new era of optical big data in astronomy. To fully harness the power of these surveys, new methods must be developed to deal with large data volumes and to coordinate resources for follow-up of promising candidates.
In this...
L'essor de l'astronomie multi-messager et du ciel transitoire nécessite des moyens d'observations à haute énergie couvrant tout le ciel afin de permettre la meilleure synergie avec les détecteurs d'ondes gravitationnelles et de neutrinos. Le recours à une constellation de nano-satellites pour détecter des transitoires à haute énergie et notamment des sursauts gamma est une solution innovante...
The formation history, progenitor properties and expected rates of the binary black holes discovered by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration, through the gravitational-wave emission during their coalescence, are now a topic of active research. We aimed at studying the progenitor properties and expected rates of the two lowest-mass binary black hole mergers, GW151226 and GW170608, detected within the...
The main origin of r-process elements is currently a subject of debate, the candidates being binary neutron star mergers and rare supernovae. While the discovery of GW170817 and the associated kilonova has provided strong support to the former hypothesis, detailed comparison of the predictions of galaxy evolution models with the observed r-process abundances reveal important discrepancies both...