WP5 Tech Talk: Developments of ESAP Prototype - A Demo, 20 April 16:00h CEST


WP5 Tech Talk material can be found at https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/escape2020/wp5_tech_meetings

Connection details

Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

You have been invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:

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Meeting ID: 799 943 1526

Meeting Password: Will be provided via email*.

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+31207947345,,7999431526# Netherlands
+31202410288,,7999431526# Netherlands

*You can sign up for the ESAP Tech Talk e-mail notifications via werkhoven@astron.nl



    • 16:00 17:00
      ESAP Prototype - A Demo 1h

      Speaker: Nico Vermaas (ASTRON)

      Orateur: Zheng Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON)